Chapter 13

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3 months later 

Me and Wade were in the bar when Wesley and Candy walked in together. After that day in the library when we sorted things out with Wesley, we haven't been on a cinema date together without the other two and he is now one hundred percent in love with Candy, I can see it in his eyes. 

"You two are late!" Wade said as they sat with us at the table near the door. Me and Wade already made them their usual drinks before they got here and as soon as Candy sat down she picked up her coke and took a sip. 

"Yeah sorry, traffic in town was awful, the bus took forever." She sighed. 

We had agreed to save a bit of money and watch a film at Wade's tonight and Kara and Ronnie from that team meal about three months ago are supposed to be arriving in about half an hour. 


I've grown closer to Amaya and Kara and Kara and Candy also get on pretty well although I can't imagine them hanging out together if it were just them two. They're friends because of me and also because Wes and Ronnie have been hanging out a lot with Wade.

Every Monday is still cinema night but its more like double date night and we all make sure we are free then on Fridays and Saturdays I either hang out with Kara and Amaya, with or without the boyfriends, or hang at home with Candy, whatever is easiest for that week. Sundays are for with Wade and we mostly also go round to each others after classes end for the day during the week. 

It's safe to say that I have expanded my friendship group and made my life better since meeting Wade but I guess that's what boyfriends help you to do. 

I also introduced Wade to my dad about a month ago and my dad really seemed to like Wade which was a huge weight off my shoulders as I wasn't sure how my dad would act. I think the only reason he got past the whole 'but its not Wesley' thing was because when he first met Wade he walked in unexpectedly on Wade asking if I wanted him to cook anything while in the kitchen at home. My dad always said that a good man cooks or cleans for his wife whenever he isn't out working. He walked into the kitchen and said 'No worries son, i'm doing the cooking tonight.' and me and Wade jumped out of our skins. 

Dad cooked us a great homemade meal, Sunday roast (because it was a Sunday evening) and Wade and dad talked as they ate and dad actually laughed at some of the stuff that Wade was telling him. 

My brother told me we should have Wade at ours all the time to be here when dad does his surprise visits so he doesn't annoy us which made me laugh and agree with him. 

"Ah it's fine, Kara and Ronnie aren't here for another half an hour anyways." Wade shrugged. 

We all drank and talked until Kara and Ronnie showed up before going upstairs and choosing The Amazing Spiderman as our film (because of Andrew Garfield of course) and raiding the snacks and drinks that me and Wade had placed on the table in between the chairs and the TV. 

"Are you okay?" Wade asked just as Wesley turned off the lights to start the film. 

"Never been better." I replied with a smile.

And that's the truth.

~The End~


Another one down, now I can focus on another book for you guys (I am currently working on Saving the Partygirl (title name undecided) and its one of my favorites to write yet!). 

I hope you enjoyed My Best Friends Ex (Which I was originally going to write about her and Wesley, as probably thought in the beginning with the whole liking Wesley thing but I decided to bring in one of Candy's ex's (Wade) as it made the story more interesting.) 

Don't hesitate to check out some of my other books on Wattpad and never stop reading! 

Jess221199 xx

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