Chapter 9

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People began arriving and Wade introduced me to all of his friends and their dates who most of them are dating. To be honest, it's about time I expanded my friendship circle a little.

When everyone was there, along with Wesley and Candy, we all sat down and ate a meal. I soon learnt the names of Wade's best mates and their girlfriends, Nate and Amaya and Ronnie and Kara.

I sat next to Wade and across from us was Nate and Amaya. On the other side of me was Kara and then Ronnie.

"So, Natasha, how come I haven't seen much of you round school. I think you are in my English but other than that you basically disappear." Kara said.

"I tend to go in the library at lunch. My best friend is Candy, you probably know her, most people do, and when she has a boyfriend, which is always, she tends to ignore me and doesn't even know i'm there so I gave up staying with her at lunch and since I don't really have anyone else, I go in the library and study for science and some other subjects." I explained, suddenly realizing how sad my life sounds.

"Oh you poor thing, well, you have us now." She said. I smiled at her with a slight nod.

"Oh so that's why you are always going to the library at lunch, we thought you just got all nerdy on us." Nate said to Wade. I suddenly felt bad for him not being with his friends at lunch. I mean, I see him after school and i'm fine on my own.

"Yeah, I kind of like it in there, plus I can't pass science if I don't study thanks to the fact that the teacher is useless." He explained.

"Tell me about it." Amaya sighed. I suddenly realized that she is in our class.

We spent ages talking about all sorts of stuff and I got to know them pretty well. It was good to finally talk to someone other than Candy about girl stuff. I mean, mention anything girly to Wes and he zones out.

They opened the bar at 6 after all the main meals were out and after the food, most people left but Wes, Candy, me, Wade, Amaya, Nate, Ronnie and Kara stayed behind and we sat in one of the booths in the bar area.

Me, Kara and Amaya are getting to be really good friends but Candy seems to be left out of the loop. I smiled at her from across the table and she only gave a half hearted smile back. I could tell that she was feeling left out.

I did try to put her into the conversation but both girls dismissed it, it probably has something to do with the fact that she has dated their boyfriends which is understandable.

The girls invited me to a party next Friday night and I agreed that I would go if Wade was going. Candy, however, didn't get an invite. Wesley did though and my guess is she is going to tag along with him.

Wes and Candy were the last to leave, I gave them both a hug when they were about to leave and Candy said something in my ear which I didn't quite get.


"I said, you looked happy tonight, much happier than i've ever seen you, when you were talking to Wade and when you were talking to the girls. I'm glad that you are happy." She told me. "I'm sorry for how I took you for granted."

"It's okay, really, I didn't even realize, I guess it as just our routine, you get a lad, I go in the library, I didn't even think it was unusual until it was pointed out to me. I mean, I thought it was quite rude but still." I shrugged. She smiled a little and then Wesley said that they better be going so I said another goodbye and then they left.

Me and Wade helped his parents clean up before saying goodbye and walking up the stairs to the apartment.

"Well, that was fun." I said as I sat down on his sofa. He walked through to the kitchen and came out with two cans of coke along with some freshly popped popcorn.             

"Shall we watch a movie?" He asked.

"Sure, can I pick one?"

"Yeah, go for it."

While he turned the TV on, I walked over to his DVD collection and spotted one that I hadn't watched in a while.

"You can never go wrong with Pirates of the Caribbean." I said as I pulled the DVD out and handed it to him.

Good choice." He said as he put the DVD in.

We sat up for a while watching it before I began to feel sleepy. I think I must have fell asleep on him because I realized that I missed half of the film. I had woken at the end and sighed. "I missed it." I said as I looked up at him.

"Yeah you did." He laughed.

"Wy did you let me fall asleep?"

"Because you looked so peaceful." He replied. I smiled and stood up.

"Lets go to bed." I said as I grabbed his hand.

"Okay, let me just turn off the TV first though. You go ahead."

I nodded, picked up my bag and then walked through the bedroom and into the bathroom where I brushed my teeth and got changed into my pyjamas. As I was taking off my make up, he came into the bathroom and brushed his teeth.

I walked into the bedroom and sank down into my side of the bed. He came in shortly after with, again, no shirt on and I found myself staring at his body. He climbed into bed and then pulled me closer to him.

I slowly drifted off to sleep in his arms.

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