Chapter 10

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The date with Wade today went really well. We went to the cinema to see Hacksaw Ridge because it looked amazing, which it was, and then we went for a meal and it was perfect. He even let me buy the popcorn.

He rode the bus with me to my house and just before I got off, I kissed him and told him that I'd see him as soon as I can.

I got home and after about an hour, my dad arrived home and greeted us with smiles before he headed upstairs to unpack.

At dinner time, my mom cooked a big meal and as we ate he asked me about  how school was and how Wesley was. My brother doesn't get back for another hour so I have all the attention at the moment.

"And where have you been dressed so smartly?" He asked as he looked me up and down. I was still wearing the clothes I wore to the cinema with Wade.

"No where important." I shrugged.

"Well it sure does look like you've been somewhere important."

"If you must know, I went to the cinema." I replied.

"With a boy?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yes. With my boyfriend."


"No, another boy from school."

"Well we can't be having that. Is he nice?" He asked my mom who'd stayed quiet throughout the whole conversation.

"I think he's lovely. He's well mannered and he cares a lot for her, I can see it."

"Hmm. I don't trust high school boys. They only want one thing." He replied.

"Wade is kind and caring. You know nothing." I almost shouted, suddenly getting extremely defensive.

"I beg your pardon?" He asked.

"What I meant to say was, you can't judge him until you meet him now can you."

"I'm don't want to meet him. No one is good enough for you, apart from that Wesley, I like him."

"I know you do. But Wesley is dating Candy and I don't like Wesley, I like Wade." I replied. 

"Too bad. You can't keep seeing this boy. Where does he live anyway?"

"What has that got to do with anything?"

"Where does he live?"

"Above that pub down Hunter Street." I replied quietly.

"Ugh, that dump."

"It's actually an extremely nice pub."

"You shouldn't be hanging out in pubs at your age." He replied.

"I'm not 5."

"And your not 20."

"We don't drink anything. Just Pepsi or lemonade or something if we're thirsty." I lied.

"Still. I don't want you seeing him."

"What difference does it make to you, you're never ever here!" I shouted. Just then, my brother came through the door, early. Thank God.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Just a family meal, we left yours in the oven to keep it warm." My dad replied. I frowned and looked at my plate.

"I can't eat any more. I'm going to go study for science, what sir taught yesterday really threw me." I said as I got up. I had no response so I figured that it was okay for me to leave and then I went out of the room and trudged up the stairs.

I grabbed my phone and messaged Wade. 'This is awful. Already been grilled about having a boyfriend. Can't wait for the next couple of days to be over xxx'

He texted back almost immediately. 'Aww, I'm here if you need to talk. Maybe tomorrow you can say that you're going out to the library and then we can meet up in the park? Xxx'

'I can try. I'll text you tomorrow whether I can or not. I think I hear someone coming up the stairs. Gtg xxx'

'Okay. Bye xxx' he replied and then I threw my phone into the wash basket and put my blazer over the top of it.

I sat down at my desk and my brother walked in.

"He's so awkward." He moaned. "He says that if I don't get good grades he won't help me at all in the future. Like what kind of parent doesn't help at all. All of my friends parents buy them cars and everything like why can't he be like that." He moaned. We go through this topic every time dad comes back.

"Because he wants you to be independent." We both mock him in unison and then roll our eyes.

"He's trying to get me to stop seeing Wade." I sighed.

"Aww that's a load of crap. How can he judge a person he's never met?"

"He asked me where he lived and everything. Then he asked mum's opinion, which of course was good because she likes Wade, but he still was mad about the fact that it's not Wesley. Well, that's the impression I got from when he asked if it was Wes to when I told him it was Wade." I replied.

"I know he's our dad and all but I hate him with a passion. He's uncaring and unkind. Makes me wanna hit him with with brick." He replied.

"Same. Anyways, I've gotta focus on finishing off this science work and avoiding dad. So get out." I smiled at my brother. He waved before leaving and closing the door, leaving me to revise alone.

I fell asleep that night listening to my parents shouting echoing through the walls.


Extremely short chapter. Thought it was needed.

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