Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning and got into my uniform. Candy arrived on time and last night I decided to not tell her that I liked Wes as well and that I was going to keep my mouth shut.

We walked to school and she kept going on about her and Wesley's conversation in science yesterday and I just nodded and smiled and made noises like 'ohh' and 'ahh' to make it sound like I was interested and that I wasn't there in science listening to the whole conversation anyway. Then she started talking about her and him taking last night and that really sparked my interest.

"Yeah so he messaged me saying he enjoyed our conversation in science and that he'd like it if I joined you and him to the cinema next Monday night." She explained.

"He did?" I asked, actually quite surprised.

"Yeah. I'm going to come on Monday isn't that great!" She shouted as she grabbed my arm. "I think he really likes me." She shouted as we neared the school.

"Wonderful." I replied as we neared school, trying to not sound sarcastic.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun, I know you don't like to third wheel but it will be okay this time because at least you will know the lad." She tried to reassure me. I nodded as if that's what I was worried about before walking into school as she went off to her morning friends and I went to my locker. I didn't wait around for Wesley today though, I just put my books in as quickly as possible and practically ran to geography, trying anything to not run into him.

Considering he knew my every first lesson after walking me every week, I had to take a totally different route and it took about five minutes which made up for the time that I would have usually spent talking to Wes.

I decided to stay in a classroom at lunch and break to do revision and stay away from everyone.

After school I walked home alone and turned off my phone. I really wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone let alone Wesley and Candy.

I can't believe I like Wesley. I can't believe Candy likes Wesley even after she thought I liked him. I mean, I guess I did tell her I didn't but I didn't know that I did. I was just confused.

I heard a knock on the door at around eight pm and when I went to answer it, I came face to face with Candy.

"Oh my gosh, I was just with Wesley and he is amazing. We got along amazingly and well... we kissed!" she shouted as she walked in and into the living room.

"Wait, what?" I asked.

"Were you not listening? Me and Wesley kissed!" She repeated excitedly.

"Yeah I heard. " I said as I sat down on the chair next to her.

"Why aren't you excited for me?" She asked as she looked at me.

"Because he's my best friend and I know what you are like with lads..." I trailed off.

"What do you mean 'what I'm like with lads.' What am I like then?" She replied.

"Well you know, you keep them for like a week or two then get bored and I don't want you to do that to Wesley." I explained.

"I think you like him." She said as she looked right at me.

"No way he's been my friend for like since the start of secondary school, that would he weird." I exclaimed a little too over the top but she didn't notice.

"Well good because I like him." She replied.

I cringed ever so slightly as an image of Wesley and Candy kissing popped into my head but I hid the cringe well as I got up.

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