Chapter 8

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At the start of lunch me and Wade met in the library to do science revision. He sat on one of the large beanbag chairs and I sat on his lap so we could both see the book and we were reading through the topic from our last science lesson together. I made a science joke and he laughed and kissed the side of my head because apparently it was 'the cutest thin he's ever heard' when Wesley walked up holding a small McDonald's bag.

"Uhh Tasha, what's going on?" He asked as he looked at me and Wade.

"Wesley? What are you doing here? Have you not spoken to Candy?" I asked.

"No why? What's going on? I just got to school, I had the dentist." He looked confused. "I brought you fries by the way, I know you love them." He added as he handed me the bag. I smiled and gladly took the bag off him.

"Well, who knew that the way to your heart is McDonald's fries." Wade laughed. I smiled at him and put a chip in my mouth.

"What's going on?" Wesley asked again. I explained the whole situation to him and he looked a little confused. "So she's annoyed at you for going out with her ex. I guess it would be understandable if it was the dude that was a couple of boys before me but the fact that he went out with her months ago is a bit ridiculous." He said.

"Exactly, thank God you get it." I said as I finished the fries.

"Well, to be honest, I think that you two are actually a great pair." He added.

"After the way Candy has been acting that means a lot, thank you." I said.

"Yeah man, i'm glad you're cool about it, I don't think that I could live with myself if she lost both her best friends because of me." Wade told him.

"You seem to make her happy and that makes me happy to know that she's happy because shes like my sister. But if you mess with her, I won't be as kind." He said.

I laughed then looked at Wade, remembering what he said before Wesley threatened him. "You wouldn't be the reason that I fell out with her anyway, this was all me. I knew what I was going when I told you that i'd come in for a drink. I knew what I was doing for the past four weeks every time I was with you. I knew what would happen when she found out. I made you hide all of this, I don't know why you're still talking to me I mean its only been four weeks and look at the mess that i've caused already, I must be a right nightmare to deal with." I said.

"No, Candy's the nightmare, all you did was get with a lad." He shrugged.

"I guess." I shrugged.

Just then Candy walked into the library. "Wesley. I thought I told you to come and see me before you saw her." She said to him.

"I know you did but I brought her fries and figured she wouldn't want them cold." He shrugged.

"Yeah well you shouldn't have, shes a traitor." She said as she gave me a death stare. I felt Wade tense up with anger so I grabbed his hand and he slowly untensed.

"Why? Because she found a guy that she really likes and didn't tell you because she knew you'd react like this?" He asked.


"Look at them, can't you see that shes happy, you're supposed to be happy for your best friend when she finds a boy that makes her happy just like she dealt with the fact that I got with you I mean do you think that her watching her two best friends get together was easy to adjust to? No! But she still tried to get used to it because we were happy and why does it matter if shes happy with one of your ex's from ages ago anyway? You are with me now so surely your ex's should be irrelevant?" He said to her.

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