Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning to feel something heavy over my body. When I lifted my head to look, I realized that it was Wade's arm. I turned over carefully and came face to face with him. I studied his features a little before I lifted my head to check the time on a clock. 5am.

I let out a deep breath before closing my eyes again. It's too early to be awake.

I couldn't get back to sleep but I was too comfortable and too tired to get up. I lay with my eyes closed until around ten to seven when Wade woke up. He looked at his arm before looking up at me.

"Morning." He said as he moved his arm and sat up. Immediately I felt the absence of him as I got up too.

"Ugh, I feel like death." I said as I swung my legs out of the bed and stood up.

"What time did you wake up?" He asked.

"5, I couldn't get back to sleep." I told him.

"Damn, you're going to be tired today then."

"Yup." I replied as I got my tooth brush and tooth paste out of my bag along with my deodorant, hairbrush and school uniform and walked towards the bathroom. I'd have to shower when I get back from school.

"Be right back." I told him.

When I came out, he went in and brushed his teeth and had a quick shower. I went to where the cereals are in the kitchen so I made myself a bowl of cornflakes which luckily he had. After coming here so often, I soon learnt where everything is. When I had finished, I placed the milk in the fridge as I had forgotten to do it earlier just as Wade walked into the room.

"Any chance of a Kopparberg before school?" I asked, holding a bottle that I found in his fridge.

"Drinking before school, you little rebel." He laughed. I raised an eyebrow and put my free hand on my waist. "Sure, we can share a bottle, I guess it wouldn't hurt and it looks like you need it." He said. I smiled and put it in my bag near my keys so we could have it when we get off the bus. "We better go and catch the early bus so we have time for it." he said as he looked at the time.

We walked to the bus stop and hopped on the bus, he paid for both of the tickets against my consent and then when we got to the high street close to school we found a bench to sit on. We sat side by side, quite close to each other and his arm was resting on the bench behind me.

"So, back to the conversation last night." He said as I pulled out the bottle and opened it using my keys.

"What conversation?" I asked.    

"The one where I asked why you don't want to tell Candy about us and whatever this is and you completely shut it down." He said.

"I did not just shut it down."

"You kind of did I mean you just turned over and refused to speak to me." He pointed out.

"Hmm I suppose I did." I said before taking a swig from the bottle and handing it to him. He drank a bit and gave the bottle back.

"Well, why?" He asked.

"Because I don't know the answer to your question. Plus I was tired." I told him as I lay my head on his shoulder and took another sip of the  drink. I gave the bottle to him.

"Yes you do otherwise you would have said 'I don't know' instead of blanking it." He pointed out before taking a sip and handing it back to me.

"Why are you right all the time." I said with a huff. He laughed at me I realized that I like his laugh even better than his chuckling.

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