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Nandini's POV
All I have done is cried the whole night. I can't believe how stupid I was. How blindly I trusted Manik. Someone knocked the door.
"Come in" bhabhi came in
"Nandu someone is here to surprise you" she said. Who is it?
And in came Aryaman my best friend. We both were friends since second standard. He could not attended my so called wedding because he was in US due to his work. He simply came and hugged me and I broke out crying again.
"Hey its ok" he said petting my hair.
"I think you should divorce" he said. I looked up at him.
"Look nandu he got what he wanted the money and in that process he didn't care that he ruined your life so why be his wife" he said. He was right I should take divorce from him.
"Aryaman get the divorce papers ready" I said to him. He was a lawyer.
"Of course Nandu" he said and went out of the room.
All of them left my room and left me alone. I was simply sat on my bed how my life had turned into a nightmare when I heard someone shout "Nandini! Come out!" I knew that was it was Manik! Why was he here?
I peeked from the window to see him standing down. Anger surged through me after all this he still had the guts to come here. I came out of my room and ran out of the house to see him. O saw him arguing with Bhai.
"Manik what the hell are you doing here?" I shouted he looked at me and smile
Manik's POV
I smiled when I saw her. She is so beautiful.
"Get out of here" Abhi shouted
"Nandu please give me one chance to explain"
"Please leave Manik don't create scene here just go you have the money"
She still thinks I care about the money.
"Please Nandu give me one chance to prove my love" I begged her
She looked at me in shock "One chance? I had given you my life Manik" she cried out.
She broke of the mangalsutra that she wore threw it at him and ran in the house. All the others followed her in the house. I collapse on the cold floor tears flowing from my eyes as I had lost the most precious person in my life.

 I collapse on the cold floor tears flowing from my eyes as I had lost the most precious person in my life

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I wiped the tears and got up.I was not going to give up so soon. Nandini is my wife. She is rightfully mine and she will come with me whether she likes it or not. She is mine and no one in the world can change that not even her.
Nandini soon we will be together.... very soon.

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