His Life

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Manik's POV
Five years....its been five years since Nandini left me. And that to because of my stupid mistake I trusted a woman who never loved me over the woman who loved me more than herself.
When I came to know that I had put false accusations on Nandini I went to Abhimanyu's house to beg for forgiveness but found out that she was gone. Where she went with who I don't know anything. Abhimanyu didn't tell me anything about her just told me to stay away from her and not to ruin her life anymore. I even asked Cabir to trace her whereabouts but he also could not find anything.
I had confronted Neyonika and she simply laughed on my face. She had done this all so that she does not loose her property and money. One thing she said hurt me the most 'Nandini should have been the one to doubt your every step but turns out you didn't trust her' I knew she was right.

After all that I drowned myself in work taking my company to heights. I became rude and arrogant. I want my Nandini back I want to fix what I broke. I still remember the first time we met.

I was very angry when I found out that dad had given have his property to some family named Murthy. I decided to find out who these Murthy's are so I went to their house. It was a small bungalow it was small but homely.
I entered through the gate when I heard some laughter's and giggles from the backyard. So I went there and some many kids sitting on the ground around a girl. I couldn't see her face as her hair covered it. She was playing a guitar and singing.
Her voice was beautiful!
Suddenly she flipped her hair to the other side and I saw the most beautiful girl in the world. Her face was angelic. She had big innocent eyes plump pink lips long black hair and a amazing body. The anger I had in more suddenly vanished I couldn't think anything. I simply walked back to my car and drove home the girl still in my mind and my be heart also.
- Flashback over

I want her back I was so stupid to let her go. God how did I dought her! She forgave me even after all I did to her still I believed the accusations and the pictures Neyonika showed me. I want Nandini back.
I will get her back....

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