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Nandini's POV
I drove to my house which Manik had given back to bhai. I got out of the car and knocked the door.
Mukti bhabhi opened it she just stared at me for a minute and then grabbed hugging me tightly.
"Oh my god! nandu I was so worried thank god you are ok" she said I smiled at her. Then she took in my appearance.
"Wow you look beautiful in this married woman get up" she said.
Bhai and Aryaman. Bhai hugged me "you ok did he hurt you?" He asked looking for wounds.
"What is wrong with you all? You guys are asking me as if Manik was going to kill me. He loves me and he will never hurt me physically" I said angrily..........wait why do I care what they say to Manik? Ugh...I am going mad.
"Sorry its the stress" I said. They all nodded. Aryaman came to hug me and instinctively I put my hand on his chest to stop him. Shit!!! What is wrong with me??
"Umm...I am tired can I go and rest?" I asked bhai avoiding Aryaman's gaze. I went up to my room and sat on my bed. Holding my head in my hands.
My god I can't forgive him so easily. I can't let him hurt me again. But something tells me that he would rather die than hurt me now.
"Hey you ok?" I heard someone say. I lifted my head to see Aryaman peeking in.
"Ya come in" I said and I got up to get water. I took the bottle and stood aside the bed Aryaman in front of me. I drank it and Aryaman took it to keep it aside. As he walked to me again he tripped grabbing onto me making us fall in the bed him on top of me.

Manik's POV
I decided to go to Abhi's house and say sorry to them and maybe also Aryaman. I reached their house and entered it I saw no one. Must be in Nandu's room. I ran upstairs and saw Aryaman on top of Nandini on the bed as she held onto his shoulder.
I felt anger bubbling in me I wanted to kill Aryaman.
"What is going on?" I shouted making both of them jump. They got up from the bed.
"Manik it's not want it looks like" Nandini said I grabbed her hand and dragged her out to the car I made her sit in the car. I got in my seat and started driving home. Nandini has just tested my patience she has only seen the loving Manik but now she will we the angry Manik. We reached home I dragged her to our room and threw her on the bed.
"Manik please listen" she begged tears leaking through her eyes.
"Did You like it when he touched you Nandini did you? Does he love you more than me? Do you want to sleep with him?" I asked removing my suit and shirt.
"No Manik please we tripped and fell on the bed Manik its nothing else" she said now dragging herself away from me.
"But you know what I am you husband only I am allowed to touch you no one else and today I m going to complete our marriage and do hell with your contract" I said removing my pants and crawling on the bed. She looked at me scared.
"No Manik please don't get away you monster" she screamed
"I will show you what kind of monster I can be" I grabbed her pallu.

Nandini's POV
I was scared out of my mind. He grabbed my pallu and pulled it away. I quickly turned my back to him. I felt his fingers trail my back. Shit!! Curse you backless blouse. He kissed my back and then unbuckled my blouse.
Tears leaked my eyes a part of me didn't want this but another part of me wanted. It wanted to surrender itself to him. I tried struggling against him but nothing could stop him.
So I gave in stopped struggling because there was nothing I could do. He was a monster and he will always be one.

So Manik forces himself on Nandini. Manik's anger took his best.
What do you guys think will happen next?
Lots of twist and turns to come. So be ready😜
Love you all

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