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Manik's POV
I banged opened the door of that Aryaman's house. I entered and saw him and Abhi staring at me on shock.
"What do you want?" Abhi asked rudely.
"Abhi what are you doing here why don't you bhabhi and Nandu come and stay with me?" He looked at me like I was crazy.
"Why should we?" I turned around to see bhabhi glaring at me.
"Bhabhi where is Nandu?" I asked
"Nandu...nandu....Nandini come out" I shouted
"Stop creating a scene Manik" I looked up and saw her standing on the stairs.
"Nandu you are coming with me" I stated
"Don't be crazy Manik and get lost" she said about to leave.
"Nandini don't make me do something which I don't want do" I warned her
"Kya tum muzhe dhamki de rahe ho?" She asker glaring
"No nandu I am warning you come and live with me otherwise I will file a case against this Aryaman that he is keeping you here by force. You know me very well Nandu if I want something I get it"
"Yes I know you don't care about others feelings because you don't have a heart. You only know the power of money not love. That's why you never thought of my love as important as your money." What she said tore my heart apart.

Nandini's POV
I saw hurt flash in his eyes. I knew he was hurt after what I said.
"Manik I beg you leave Nandini alone please" Mukti bhabhi pleaded.
"No bhabhi and here is no use of begging our pleading in front of him he doesn't understand anything but money." I said
I had to go and live with Manik because I knew he will never stop troubling us till I go and live with him.He always gets what he wants. But I will make sure I turn his life into hell.
"I will go with Manik" I stated
"No Nandu" Aryaman shouted
"Are you crazy after all he did you want to go and stay with him?" Bhai asked. I nodded.
"But I have some conditions." I said looking at Manik. I asked bhabhi to get the agreement papers from the room. I knew that this day would come so I was ready.

Manik's POV
We went and sat on the sofa on the sofa. Nandini in front of me.
Mukti bhabhi came down and handed me a paper. I saw three clauses written on them.
"Manik so my first condition is that I get equal share in your property. Second condition is everyone in you house respects me just the way they respect you and the last condition is you do not get to touch me" she stated I looked down into he paper and read the same clause.
"The first two conditions I understand but what does the last one mean?" I asked
She smirked and said "that means I don't sleep with you"
What the hell? She doesn't sleep with me? What kind of condition is that? How will I resist myself?
"If you don't agree you can forget about MW coming and living with you" Nandini said as she got up and started walking away.
"I completely agree to all your conditions" I said she turned too look at me in shock. I smirked I knew she didn't expect me to agree to the last one. But at least she will be in front of my eyes.
I knew what game she was playing and two can play that game.
"So go and pack because we leave right now" I saw worry in her eyes.
Why is she worried to live with me? Does she think I will hurt her again?
"Ok fine I will be right back" she said and went upstairs.
Finally Nandini Malhotra is completely mine.

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