His Pain

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Manik's POV
Her back was to me so I turned her making her face me. Tears were leaking from her face her eyes filled with fear as she looked at me.
What am I doing? Was I going to rape her? What is wrong with me?
I got off her and put on my clothes. I look at her she covers herself with the blanket looking at me as if I was going to pounce on her. I grabbed my hair frustrated. I needed to clear my mind.
"Sorry"I muttered at her and I  left the room.

Nandini's POV
Manik left the room muttering a sorry to me. I didn't think he would have stopped. I went to the bathroom and washed my face and changed into something comfortable.

Its two in the morning where is Manik? Why is he still not home? I heard a knock on the room door a maid came in "mam you better come downstairs Manik baba is drunk" I immediately got up and ran down and there he was sitting on the sofa with a bee...

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Its two in the morning where is Manik? Why is he still not home?
I heard a knock on the room door a maid came in "mam you better come downstairs Manik baba is drunk" I immediately got up and ran down and there he was sitting on the sofa with a beer bottle tears running down his face.
"Manik" I whispered but he heard me he looked up at me and then groaned and said "I am going crazy I see you everywhere. I see you in my dreams I see you everywhere. I know you are not here."
Tears started to form in my eyes I went to where he was sitting and sat on my knees and cupped his cheeks.
"Manik look it me really" I told him.
He looked and me and then lightly touched my cheek "you didn't go" he asked I shook my head in a no.
"Why" he asked now resting his forehead against mine I could smell the alcohol but I didn't move.
"I just could not. Come on let's go upstairs" I got up and held my hand out. He stared at it and then took it he got up wobbling I held him around the waist. I guided him upstairs.
I made him sit on the bed. I removed his shoes. I gave him some water to drink. I sat on the bed next to him and he immediately rested his head in my lap. I carnessed his hair.
"Nandini please don't ever leave me please. I promise never to hurt you again. You know sinc...since I was a kid I had got what ever I wanted but no one gave me the love I craved for. When you came in my lif...life that's when I understood what true love is. I love you so much I will die if you leave me" tears were now running freely from my eyes. I never knew are understood his pain. I looked down at him and saw him now fast asleep snoring lightly making me smile.

I slowly removed his head from my lap and put a pillow instead

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I slowly removed his head from my lap and put a pillow instead. I took the blanket and pulled it over both of us. I slept beside him. He suddenly moved his head and kept it on my chest wrapping his arms around my waist tightly.
"I love you Nandu" I heard him say in his sleep.
"I love you more" I said not sure if he heard me and went of to sleep promising myself to give Manik all the love which he deserved.

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