All came crashing down

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Nandini's POV
It's been two weeks since manik and I have completed our marriage and it's just been beautiful. He pampers me and keeps me like a queen.
Lately I had started to vomit in he morning or felt dizziness. I thought I was ill but later Multi bhabhi and I went to the doctor and we found out that I was pregnant!
Today I am going to tell this amazing news to Manik. I was waiting for him to come home.
Suddenly the door banged shut making me jump. It must be Manik. I went and saw that Manik had a furious expression on his face he glared at me.
"Manik what's wrong?" I asked him scared.
"Why Nandini why did you do this to me?" He asked grabbing my forearm tightly.
"Manik what are you talking about?" I asked him confused
"Don't act innocent you lying bitch!" He screamed and pushed me I landed on the sofa. I stared at him shocked.
"Manik what did I do?" I asked him now tears leaking from my eyes.
"You cheated on me with that Aryaman" he screamed in my face. I stared at him shocked. Did he really should think I would do something like that?
"Man..." before I could say anything h threw some papers at me. I picked them up and the ground slipped from under my feet. He had given me divorce papers.
"I don't want to hear anything Nandini just sign it I will give you as much money as you want just leave" h said glaring at me.
I was speechless wasn't I suppose to be the one who douted him after what he did?
I took the papers and signed them I was not going to let him break me anymore. I had enough of him. I have the papers to him and walked out of the house. I didn't take any luggage with me as all my stuff belonged to Manik.
When I stepped out of his house I left him and my broken heart with him.

Manik's POV
My heart broke when she signed the divorce papers and gave it to me and without saying a thing she walked out of my house and my life.
I looked down at the photos that showed that Nandini and Aryaman had slept together.

I was in a excited mood to get back home to my wife when Niyonika came in.
"What do you want?" I asked her
She threw some photos at me I took them and when I saw them I felt like some one had punched me hard. There were pics of  Aryaman and Nandini cuddling, kissing in bed naked!
"What is this?" I shouted at her
"Just wanted to show you how innocent you wife is" she stated and walked out of the office.
Anger flared through me how could she?
I quickly rode my car to the house making sure to collect divorce papers.
Flashback end

I collapsed on the bed and cried my heart out.

Not knowing that I had just let my happiness walk away from me.

Plot twist!!!
So now what will Nandini do?
Who all are angry at Manik?
Comment and tell your thoughts.
Next update coming soon

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