Drama Queen

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Nandini's POV
I groaned out as my back was hurting so was my stomach. It the time of my month. Manik was at work. I simply rolled in our bed. And I was super hungry but I was too lazy to go down and get something to eat and the maid was also on a holiday.
My phone rang I checked and saw Manik's name flash. I picked it up
"What?" I shouted on the phone damn my mood swings.
"Hello to you princess" he said sarcastically.
"What manik?"
"I was thinking why don't we go out for dinner tonight"
"No I will not and don't talk to me again don't call me don't show me your face otherwise I will punch you" I shouted as my stomach ache increased.
"What is wrong....Wait a minute are you on your periods?" he asked
"Yep" I sighed
"I will be home in 15 minutes" he said he knows how I behave when I am on my periods.
"Come soon" I said and cut the call.
I don't know when and how but I fell asleep.

Manik's POV
I bought her favorite cookie and cream ice cream and also chocolate flavor. Some proper food and some movies and went home. I opened the door and called out for Nandu. I didn't get any reply. I went to her room the see Nandu curled up on the bed cuddling a pillow. She was wearing shorts and a loose top which had rode up till her breasts. I could she her beautiful slender waist. I heard her groan. I quickly went to wake her up.
"Hey princess wake up I got food" she moaned and opened her eyes.
"You brought movies?" She asked I nodded she smiled and circled her arms around my neck. I picked her up bridal style and carried her to the theater room her head rested on my chest.
I sent her on the bed in the theater room and I kept the ice cream in the mini fridge. I put on a movie then I took out the boxes of food took two spoons and handed her food. She gave me one of her cutest smiles. Her smiles always made my heart melt. We started the movie. We were watching for almost an hour when she suddenly shouted "God make me a man!" making me jump. I looked at her she was holding her stomach and pouting. What a drama Queen I thought.
"Uhh god I hate periods" she muttered she rested her head on my shoulder.
"Nandu should we sleep?" I asked her kissing her forehead lightly.
"OK" she muttered. I switched off the TV and we both pulled the blanket on us she rested her forehead on my chest and I cuddled her small figure in my arms drawing circles on her back.
This is what heaven feels like.

This is what heaven feels like

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