5 years later

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Nandini's POV
"Aayush, Neel, Yash get up kids its time to go to school" I called out to him as I wore my earrings. As I was done I checked myself in the mirror and satisfied with my look and went to the kids room.

 As I was done I checked myself in the mirror and satisfied with my look and went to the kids room

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All three of them were still in bed with Aayush in the middle sleeping. I smile broke on my face these three are my lifeline.
"Oye! Three monkeys get up" I said as I sat on the bed. Neel who was right beside me cracked his eyes open he looked up and smiled at me.
"Morning Ma" he said. Every time these three call me 'ma' I feel  happiness swell in my heart.
"Morning Ma" Yash and Aayush said rubbing their eyes.
"Morning! Now get up and get ready fast cone on" I said they whined but got out of bed.
I went downstairs to set up the breakfast. I set up four plates with sandwiches and pasta in it. After some time all three came down and took their places.
I watched them as they ate in the past five years how much did my life change. When I came to US I had nothing. With Aryaman's help I started my business. I am a architect. In two years I was doing great in my business. And I had my two years old Aayush with me. I adopted Neel and Yash when I found them near my house in nothing but rags. They both were kidnapped and brought her to be sold. They were 12 year old and now they are 15 and Aayush is 5. Who knew after divorcing Manik I would have got these angels.
"Ma? Ma!" Yash called out loudly. I saw all three looking at me with concern written on their face. I smiled and said "don't worry I was just thinking about something....now come on let's go or you will be late" they all got up and ran out to the car. It was a Chevrolet simple and elegant.

 It was a Chevrolet simple and elegant

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They all were already seated. Aayush in the front and Neel and Yash in the back. I got it the car and started driving to their school.

After 20 minutes we reached their school. All of us got down.
"Ok now I don't want any more complaints from the teachers ok?" I said looking at Aayush. He may be the smallest but he is the naughtiest.
"Ok ma" he said shaking his cute little head.
"Yash and Neel both of you have dance practice today right?" I asked.
"No ma practice is canceled today" Neel said
"Ok then see you all I will come to pick you up then we will go out"
They nodded and each of them kissed my cheek and went in.
"You look pretty ma" Yash whispered in my ear and ran in. I smiled as I watched them with their friends.

I got in my car and drove to my office. I love my life.

 I love my life

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