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Nandini's POV
I was just done making breakfast so I decided to wake Manik up. I went to our room and shook him lightly "Manik wake up"
He groaned and rolled over.
"Manik you have to go to office" I said and pulled his blanket away. He rolled up in a ball and was shivering.
Why is he shivering its not that cold?
I touch his body and he was burning up. I quickly pulled the blanket over his body.
"Manik you have fever baby" I said caressing his face.
"I fell like my body is breaking and I have cold too" he complained. He pulled me towards him I sat on the bed and he kept his head in my lap. I took his phone and called the family doctor. After calling him I knew I couldn't move without Manik waking up so I sat there and let him rest.
After sometime the bell rang I told the maid to open the door. The doctor came in he looked at me and smiled seeing our position.
"Manik wake up the doctor is here" I said he cracked his eyes open. I got up and let the doctor do the work. I sat near manik on the other side of the bed. I looked and smiled and me. Even when he is I'll he still looked handsome.
"Ok its just a normal fever and cold nothing to worry he will be ok it a week. So I will give one injection so that he can fell better quickly" we both snapped our heads up looking at the doctor. Manik had the expression of pure horror he started tugging at his hand which the doctor held.
Last time when we went to the hospital and he had to get a injection he had shrieked out loudly and ran out of the hospital.
Manik looked at me in panic and the doctor in confusion.
"Umm...he is scared of injections" I said.
"Distract him in talks while I inject him" the doctor said I nodded.
"No Nandu please no!" He looked at me pleading.
"Manik look at me" I said making him look at me. I grabbed his hand and kissed it. He was still trying to pull away.
"Its going to be ok please just be strong I am right here. Please take this injection for me" I said and that stopped him from pulling away.
He screwed his eyes shut and grabbed my hand tightly. He cringed when he was injected.
"Its done" the doctor announced.
He gave me some meds and I told me to give it to Manik two times a day.I thanked him and went to Manik again.
He was looking at me his eyes and face red his lips in a pout and a tear leaked from his eyes as he rubbed the place where the injection was given.
I went to him and wiped the tear away and kissed his forehead. The made came and gave me the chicken soup. I fed it to Manik and later he snuggled in my lap his hands around my waist. I trailed my fingers through his hair and let him rest.

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