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Nandini's POV
"What the hell are you doing here Mr. Manik Malhotra" I swear to got my temper was out of control. Till now o was having a great life but no Manik always comes to ruin it.
"Nandu please lis...."
"Nandini my name is Nandini" I said interrupting him. My heart ached looking at him again.
"Nandini please I am so sorry please forgive me. I beg you"

Manik's POV
"Nandini please I am so sorry please forgive me I beg you" she looked at me like I had gone mad. And then she started laughing.
"The great Mr Manik Malhotra is begging that's a first. No more blackmailing? And what do you want me to forgive about you Manik?
How you ruined my life not once but twice how you broke my heart and self respect not once but twice? " her words broke me.
"Nandini please I was so stupid and foolish to believe on Neyonika"
"No Manik I am the stupid and foolish one here I should never return back to after the contract thing. But no I gave you a second chance. And you believed on Neyonika? You believed on a woman who never cared about you over a woman who lived for you.
You were my love Manik you were my life my everything.... but now you are nothing to me. You know I am no more angry at you instead I pity you" a tear rolled down from her eye but she didn't seem to notice. Her words ripped through my heart like a bullet killing me from inside. Now I realized what kind of jerk I was. God how am I suppose to make this right.

I moved towards her and wiped the lone tear away.

"I am the one who gave you so much pain so I am going to fix it no matter what it takes

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"I am the one who gave you so much pain so I am going to fix it no matter what it takes. I will win you back Nandini but not by force. You yourself will come to me and till then I will keep trying" she just stared at me for a few moments and then she touched my cheek lightly. I closed my eyes taking in the touch of her at five long years. She gave me a sad smile "What you want to do is next to impossible but like always i wish you best luck" she said. That's when I saw the tiredness on her face. I saw how much she had changed aged a bit in these five years. Gone was the cheerful and carefree Nandini. Instead in front of me stood a mature, bold and strong woman who feared no one.
"Bye Manik" she said and walked out of the room. I stared at her fading figure.

Nandini's POV
I walked out of the room and hurried to my car. I suddenly felt tired. Seeing Manik brought back memories. I know I became vulnerable at the end but that does not mean I have forgiven or forgotten what he did. I will not let Manik enter my life again and especially not my kids. I have to make sure Manik does not know about Aayush atleast not right now.
I felt wetness on my cheek I touched it and that's when I noticed I was crying.
Oh Manik what have you done!!

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