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Manik's POV
Nandini came out of the asshole's house with a bag. I immediately took it from and she let me without any protest. I sat in the car waiting for her. She hugged her family and then she was about to hug Aryaman but she suddenly stopped she simply said bye to him and got in the car. I immediately started the car and drove to my house. Nandini sat silently her head resting on the closed window her eyes shut but I knew she was not sleeping because her body was tense.
After some time we reached our house. We got out I told a servant to get her bag to our room.
I guided her to our room.
"This is our bedroom" she simply looked at me and sighed. I took out a box and gave it to her.
"This is for you" she raised her eyebrows but took it. She opened it and gasped it was a mangalsutra.
"You broke of the one you were wearing so I got you a new one" she took and put it on or tried to.

Nandini's POV
I was too tired to argue with Manik so I just decided to wear the mangalsutra.
I tried to put it on but I could not fit it in the hook.
"Can I?" I looked in the mirror to see him standing behind me. I hesitated but then I nodded. He took the mangalsutra and slid it around my neck his fingers touching my neck making fireworks erupt there. He hooked it and then slid his fingers lightly on my back and me wearing a backless anarkali was not helping. His touch was gentle as he trailed his fingers on my back making me arch into them slightly. I closed my eyes.
"We look beautiful" he whispered in my ear making me shiver. I opened my eyes and looked in the mirror. We did look like the perfect couple. But I knew better. I moved away from him. I saw hurt flash in his eyes.
"Manik I am tired"
"Ya ok you rest for sometime I will wake you up for dinner" I nodded.
He walked out of the room and closed the door.
What is wrong with me? Why am I still attracted to him? What am I saying I mean look at him even a blind person will be attracted to him.
Why did Manik had to do what he did? If this contract shit was not true then we would have been a happily married couple.
I went on the bed and rested my head against the pillow trying to fall asleep

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