Divorce.....or not

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Nandini's POV
Aryaman had the divorce papers ready. I had told aryaman to add the clause that I wanted the property because of which Manik married me back as it was rightfully mine. And if Manik can marry me just for the sake of money then why can't I take what's mine?
Abhi bhai had called Manik to meet them at the laywer's office to which he had agreed.
"Nandini you ready?" Aryaman asked knocking on the door.
"Ya I will be right there" I called back.
Aiyyapa please give me strength to face Manik. And please let this all be over soon.
I came out of the house and sat in the car. Bhai and Aryaman were coming with me.
Bhai started to drive towards the office.
Half an hour later we reached the office. I saw manik's car already parked there. I just froze in my seat my heart rate increasing. Aryaman held my hand.
"Its going to be ok relax Nandu" he reassured me. But I knew that Manik will surely create a problem here to I knew him very well.
We got out of the car and walked in the office. Manik was sitting there with his mother Neonika. I didn't like her from the first time I met her.

Manik's POV
My mom decided to come with me. I don't know why Abhi had called me to meet in the lawyer's office. I heard the office door open. I looked up to see Nandini walk in with Abhi and....ARYAMAN! I hate him because I know that he likes Nandu. He likes my nandu. My attention went back to Nandini she looked beautiful. What am I saying she always looked beautiful. She wore some kind of Indian dress. Her hair rested on her shoulder.

 Her hair rested on her shoulder

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They sat down in front of us.
"So Abhi why did you call me to meet in the lawyer's office? If we had to meet we could also have met in my house" I said.
"We called you here because we wanted to tell you than Nandini wants to divorce you" Abhi said.
I felt like the ground beneath my feet had slipped away. Fear filled me I can't loose Nandini I will not be able to live without her.
"And she has a clause that is that you should return the property and money which you father gave to Nandini back to her as it is rightfully his. And also cancel the agreement papers on which nandini signed on the wedding day which said that she gives the property to you" Aryaman said and he smirked at me. That's it now I will show them what Manik Malhotra can do. I got up making everyone get up too.
"I will do as Nandini wants" I said making Nandini first look at me in shock and then she looked at me suspiciously. She knows me too well.
"I will cancle the agreement papers. I will also give back the property to Nandini the only thing I won't do is....divorce her". And as I said that Neonika shouted "Are you mad Manik?".
I just left the office walking out.
"Why won't you divorce me?" I heard Nandini ask.
I turned and said "Because I don't want to"
"You are doing this to spite Nandini aren't you" Aryaman asked who the hell is he to ask me.
"This is a matter between husband and wife others should not interfere" I said making him shut up.
"I am not you wife you cheated me into marrying you." Nandini shouted
"I don't care if you don't agree that you are my wife I am your husband and I will never ever divorce you Princess" and I turned to walk away when I heard her call me "Manik" I looked at her she walked to me.
"I don't care if you don't divorce me because the only thing you will get is a marriage certificate nothing else. Not my body, not my love and never my heart" she said and left. Abhi and Aryaman left too but not before glaring at me. Neonika said that I was crazy and left to.
Nandini Manik Malhotra wait and watch I will have your body, your love and your heart. You will love me again if not by yourself then by force.

As they say everything is fair in love and war.

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