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Nandini's POV
I opened the door in panic when i heard Aayush cry.
"Whats wrong baby?" I asked him picking him up.
"Neel and Yash ar...are hurting papa" he cried burying his face in my neck.

I hurried downstairs and to my horror saw both of them trying to push Manik out of the house.
"Neel, Yash stop right this instant" i cried out putting Aayush down i walked to them and pulled them away from Manik. I looked at Manik and saw tears in his eyes. My heart ached seeing him so broken.
"Manik take Aayush with you and go to my room please."
"Manik he needs you right now go i will talk to Yash and Neel" i said holding his hand. He pressed my hand lightly and then went to Aayush.

I turned to both of them and they where staring at the ground.
"What was that?" I asked
"We don't want him here everytime he comes here you always cry he hurts you" Yash said tear leaking from their eyes.
I bent down to their level"You don't have to worry about me ok i can handle him. And the problems we have we adults will solve them. And you have seen me cry but did you see him cry right now? You hurt him"
They both looked at me guilt swimming in their eyes. I wiped their tears.
"Ok enough of crying how about we go to the room and you both say sorry" i said. They nodded.
They held my hand and we went to the room. Manik was cuddling Aayush and talking to him.
"Manik" i called out he turned towards us and smiled. I pushed Neel and Yash ahead.
"We are sorry" they mumbled
"He can't hear you" i told them
"We are sorry" they said again this time clearly.
"Its ok boys no harm done." Manik said hugging them. They hesitated at first but then hugged him back.
"Ya grouo hug!!!" Aayush shouted pulling me in the hug making us laugh.
Manik's hand rested on my waist and he kisses my cheek and wispered a thank you. I grinned at him.

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