The First Punch

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 I ran as fast as I could up the steps towards the wide double doors. I was already 20 minutes late thanks to my cheap alarm clock. I quickly rushed up the marble staircase to the third floor where my class was taking place. I burst through the doors of the huge room just in time to interrupt the professor's speech. I stop as everyone's eyes turn to me.

"Ah how pleasant of you ms. Martinez to grace us with your presence." I gave a small smile to the crowd of student looking at me.

"It's always a pleasure to please my fans." I sad trying out my best sincere voice. 

Mr. Peters gave me a stern look and gestured for me to sit down. As silently as I could I took my seat and the end of the row next to my best friend. The professor began talking and I really tried to listen but it's kinda hard to do that with my friend Delilah pestering me.

"Hey Keira why were you late again?" I tried to silence her with a wave of my hand but unfortunately I was not a magician and she persisted. Finally I talked to her.

"My alarm clock was busted and didn't wake me up on time, now stop so I can pay attention to this boring lesson." Sad faced she focused on the lesson. The bell that dismissed us from class rang making me jump from my half slumber.

I grabbed my bag and was joining Delilah out the door when Mr. Peters called my name. I glanced at him then back at her. She gave me a look that told me she understood. I walked towards the profesor's desk. He waited until the last student had walked out before talking to me.

"Keira I'm just going to be blunt and not sugar coat're not going to pass my class." I stumbled backwards the words hitting me like daggers in the chest. I have been taking advanced film class for a year now.

I put my heart and soul into this and all of a sudden I'm not going to pass? San Diego collage has always been my first choice due to the great visual art classes and I did all my work there was no way I'm not passing.

"Mr. Peters there has to be a mistake I have to pass this class like you said the four people with the highest grade gets to study under Steven Spielberg. I need that opportunity."  He looked at me with no pity in his eyes.

"Keira I believe you are a brilliant filmmaker it's just that well the things you film are uninteresting. In order for your movie to be interesting you must film something that you are passionate about. What are you passionate about?" I answered without even thinking.

"Music." Mr. Peters thrust his hand in the air and a smile spread across his face.

"Then film something about music I want to see a movie like that."He took a deep breath before continuing to speak

"I tell you what if you can film me a documentary about your experience with something music like and wow me then I will raise your grade to where you have the fourth spot." It took a lot of energy not to cry right there on the spot. I happily jumped up and hugged Mr. Peters.

"Just remember Keira you have 4 months to get this done so I expect this done by the end of summer." I barely heard his words as I began running out the doors of the college building. I let the warm San Diego air sweep over me breathing it in.

I pulled my skateboard out of my bag and hopped on loving how the wind swept through my dyed light blue hair. As I rode down the street I pulled by IPhone out of my back skinny jean pocket. I saw the both Delilah and my mom had called during my talk with Peters. I'll call them back later I decided as I put the phone back in my pocket. I was so distracted with different ideas for my movie going through my head that I almost missed my turn down the back alley of my house. I liked this way because there was a smaller chance of me running over people with my board. I tried to speed up as I saw a black figure detach from a wall behind. No matter how hard I pushed the figure caught up to me.

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