I Can't Wait To See Your Brilliant Face

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-Keira's P.O.V.-

I woke up to the sound of shuffling feet. I looked around me noticing the commotion. Alan was sitting on the couch completely focused on tuning his guitar along with Phil. Tino was tapping his drumsticks along the arms of the couch. Austin and Aaron were doing vocal warm-ups and Delilah was busying herself with dinner preparations.

"Good afternoon angel!" Alan said a smile growing on his face. I couldn't help but grin as well, god his happiness was infectious. I rolled my feet over the bunk and with great effort lifted myself up. I saw Alan's smile grow biger as I walked towards hm and ploppled myself on the couch next to him.

"What time is it red?" I said twirling my fingers in his hair.

"I don't know why don't you tell me?" Alan said in almost a whisper.

"Why you asking me?" I asked as I noticed Alan was leaning towards me, never breaking eye contact with me. He reached over placing his hand on the side of my face, gently drawing small circles on my temple with his thumb. He leaned closer until we were inches apart, I could feel the cool of his breath tickling my nose.

"Why am I always so attracted to you?" I laughed shakily still nervous about what might happen.

"Is that a bad thing?" He laughed too not nearly as nervous as me.

"I don't know, shall we find out?" I closed my eyes and leaned my head forward. Was I ready to move on so fast? I felt as if a part of me still belonged to Vic in a way but the other half of me wanted to forget all about Vic and see if a future with Alan was possible. Our lips barely brushed before we heard Tino's booming voice from the kitchen.

"Keira Vic wants to see you!" Alan sighed but smiled still not moving away from my face.

"Cockblock that Tino is huh?" I laughed as he got up but not before giving me a quick kiss on the lips. He got up and started towards the door. He looked at me.

"The show starts at 5:55 will I see you there?" I got up and walked in the opposite direction towards the bathroom.

"Depends do you want to see me there?" I smiled brightly still glowing from the small kiss. He looked at me, staring in my eyes a crooked smile playing in his lips.

"Why wouldn't I?" Before I could say anything else he walked out the door. I couldn't control the smile that played on my face. I bumped into Phil and Aaron on my way to the bathroom.

"Hey guys, what time is it?" I asked considering the fact that Alan was too busy too answer that question. Aaron looked at the watch that was on his wrist although he seemed more focused on something else. I looked over at Phil who I noticed had not moved and looked focused on something to. Aaron looked up at me.

"It's 3:27, now we need to talk now." I did a one eighty spin and went right back to the couch. Phil sat on my right and began to speak.

"We saw you getting all cozy with Alan a few minutes ago and Aaron and I are warning you to be careful." Aaron sat on my left and began to speak as well.

"As much fun as Alan might seem to be he is also a player, he uses girls pretends like he cares and is adorable but as soon as he gets what he wants he's gone. Alan's like a brother to me but I have to say it." As Phil's and Aaron's words began to sink in I felt myself getting angrier and angrier.

"GREAT VIC WAS  AN ASSHOLE AND NOW TO FIND OUT ALAN IS A JACKASS. MY LIFE IS JUST FULL OF JOLLY SURPRISES CAUSE WHO NEEDS LOVE OR EVEN A BOYFRIEND WHEN YOU HAVE A TOUR FULL OF DICKHEADS!." I bolted out off the couch and stomped towards the bathroom. If Aaron and Phil knew what was good for them they would not get off that couch. I was on a rampage that not even God himslf could stop.


-Vic's P.O.V.-

"Keira I'm here. You said you wanted to talk." I looked around at the park area. It had two park benches and a lone swing set. The park looked abandoned like it hadn't been used in years. I looked around, the place seemed super skecthy.

"Keira if you're here then come out and talk to me." I huffed and walked to the swing set. Why had I been under the impression she was going to come back to me.

"Baby I want to talk to you about this please. I wasn't lying I really do love you and miss you and need you...baby please." I slumped my shoulders as the only reply i heard was he whistle of the trees. I stood up and looked around. That wasn't the trees whistling. I spun around, no one was there. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my neck.

"Poor lovesick Victor Vincent Fuentes, you know what they say about love old Vickey boy...love kills." Then I was out letting the world around me fade to black. 

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