I Was Saving Myself For You

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-Vic's P.O.V.-

I sat on the beach letting the sand squish between my toes. Why did I run away? I watched as more waves crashed into the shore. Why did she make me feel like this? Every time I was near her I felt this urge to protect her, from what hell I don't know. I thought about it awhile before anger filled my chest. I knew exactly what I was protecting her from, I was protecting her from that jackass Alex. I swear to god if I ever see him I was going to kill him.

Keira was smart and sassy and sexy and beautiful and he took that away from her. I picked up a pebble that was laying next to me and threw it into the ocean. My head was spinning and my heart was aching. She was too far away from me. My fingers itched to touch her. But why, why did I need to be near her, why did I need to touch her? I already knew  the answer  I have always known the answer. The reason why she was always on my mind, the reason I felt the need to hold her to protect her, I felt this way because I loved her.

I loved Keira Martinez. It felt good to admit it to myself It would feel even better to admit it to her. I started to get up when I noticed a pair of black vans standing in front of me. My eyes slowly traveled up her toned tanned legs and thighs. They lingered for a mere second at the jean shorts that barely covered her wide luscious hips. I silently smiled when I noticed the glittery diamond piercing in her belly button. Finally I looked up at her face, her amazingly beautiful face. I felt my heart swell.

However I didn't get a chance to admire her beauty before she attacked me. She leaped on me tackling me back to the ground I didn't get to figure out what was going on before I felt her fist pounding wildly at my chest and hot tears splashing on my shirt. Was she crying? She continued to punch my chest but this time she was yelling at me choking through her tears.

"WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GO! I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU VIC GOD DAMMIT YOU'RE AN IDIOT!  WHY WHY DID YOU DO THIS! YOU SCARED MIKE, JAIME, DELILAH... AND ME FUCK VIC YOU SCARED ME!" She chocked out the last part before ending her abuse. She sprawled against my chest still sobbing. I sat there stunned not knowing what to do.

She was crying but this time it was about me. We just sat there for 30 minutes maybe longer. I held and rocked her as she kept her head on my chest, this seemed to be our favorite position. Even though she was mad at me I was relieved that she was with me. I watched the sun sink lower and lower behind the horizon and I held her tighter and tighter. Finally I lifted her up and sat her in front of me. She looked at me dazed. Keira had stopped crying but her eyes were still red and puffy she was tragically beautiful.

After staring at her for awhile I gained the courage  to speak to her.

"Keira I'm so sorry I left I just kept thinking about you marking your body with something so permanent and how you might regret it later on in life and I felt like if I sat there doing nothing then eventually you would hate me and I didn't want that because Keira I love you." I said the last part before I knew what I was doing. She stared a me green eyes shining, her blue hair blowing in her face. Slowly I moved my hand and tucked her hair behind her ears. She began to look down at her hands but I grabbed her chin and forced her to look up at me,  I wanted her to know just how beautiful she is. I moved closer to her until I was just inches away from her face. I could feel the heat of her breath.

Slowly I erased the distance between us and brought my lips against hers. She hesitated at first and I was scared that I had made a terrible mistake but soon I felt her lips move against mine. God she was amazing I had been wanting to kiss her since the first time she slammed the door in my face. I kissed her slowly and passionately I wanted her to know that I truly did love her and that she was safe, that I was going to protect her and love her as she was supposed to be treated and loved. She wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me closer into her. I grabbed her waist and pulled her towards me knocking me on my back so that she was on top of me. Finally we pulled away to catch our breaths. Keira looked at me eyes sparkling, she held my gaze for a moment before opening her mouth to speak

"Vic I wanted to say that I-" before she could finish her sentence we heard her phone ring.

She fumbled around in her back pocket her eyes never leaving mine. She slide it opened and help the phone up to her ear. I laid my head down on the sand not knowing weather to be happy about the amazing moment Keira and I had or pissed because it was ruined by whoever called her. I looked up and noticed that she had climbed off me and had an outstretched hand offering to help me up. I accepted and with the help of Keira pulled myself off the ground. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close. She put both of her hands out to stop herself from getting closer.

"That was Delilah she was really upset because I forgot to call her to let her know I found you and everyone thought I didn't find you. They were going to call the cops until I told them you were OK so I suggest we get to my house before they have the chance to get even more mad at us." She finished and began walking up the beach. I ran to catch up with her.

"OK so wheres the car?" She gave me an embarrassed look and I watched as her cheeks turned bright pink.

"I kinda ran here, but in my defense I was so worried about you I wasn't thinking straight." I laughed as we continued walking. As we walked by the cars and lights of the area a thought crossed my mind Keira never finished her sentence. I turned to look at her.

"What were you going to say on the beach earlier?" She looked up from her phone which she had been texting on.

"It doesn't matter now." I stopped and she ran into me. I grabbed her by her wrist and kept her from walking off even if she wouldn't look at me.

"It matters to me...please tell me." I said softly. She looked up at me and smiled a sad smile.

"I was going to say that I love you too Vic but this won't work so it doesn't matter." She yanked her wrist from my hand and continued walking. As we reached the car in the empty parking lot I couldn't let this bug me any more.

I grabbed Keira by her arm and turned her towards me.

"Why exactly wouldn't this work?" She tried pulling away but this time I wasn't letting her go. Finally she gave up.

"Because Vic in less than two day I will be working for you and as much as I love you I don't see that working." I sighed with anger.

"That's not fair you're giving up on us without giving us a chance. Who says you can't be my director and my girlfriend." She quickly retorted.

"I don't want people thinking I got this job because I'm fucking the boss, I want people to think I got this job because I'm a good director" she sighed.

"If I become you're girlfriend then you must promise me absolutely no physical contact between office hours as long as you're my boss. " I pretended to think it over before eagerly nodding my head. She smiled her brilliant smile.

"Then I guess I'm officially Vic Fuentes's girlfriend." She stood on her tip toes and gave me a light kiss on the lips. I swiftly wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her back into me deepening our kiss. Reluctantly I pulled away and led her to the car. Before she got in a thought crossed my mind and I began laughing. She turned around and gave me a funny look.

"What's so funny?" I laughed a little more before letting her in.

"You said no physical contact while I'm your boss right?" She slowly nodded her head yes. I slammed both of my hands on the car blocking both sides of her, she jumped. I leaned my head down and began to kiss the nape of her neck. She let out a soft but audible moan. I raised my head slightly so that my lips were merely an inch from her ear.

"It's a good thing I'm not your boss for the next two days then." She gasped as I gently nibbled on her earlobe before moving my hands away and walking to the driver's side of the car,  ideas for tonight already circling in my head.

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