Were You Honest When You Said I Could Never Leave Your Bed?

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Hey guys sorry it takes so long to upload i'm usually busy, busy, busy. Thank you guys so much for reading I surpassed 100 reads! I know it doesn't seem like a lot but that's a big deal to me and I really hope that number increases. SOOO with that Vote, Comment, and Read!!!!!

-Vic's P.O.V.-

I looked in the mirror and instantly hated who I was. I was a man that had hurt the girl I loved, a man who had hurt Keira. I took another look in the mirror. My cheek was still red and slightly bruised from where Keira had struck me but other than that and a black eye she had done no real damage. Damn Keira was strong. I turned around and walked back into the small hotel room where Danielle sat cross-legged on the bed. She smiled once she heard me step out but I was in no mood. Instead I sat opposite her. I stared at the wall before I decided to talk to her.

"You know we're headed on the road tonight, so you didn't need to waste money on a hotel." She sat up and padded over to me placing her hands on my shoulders and began to rub. Whispering in my ear in a calming, melodic voice.

"You know I would do anything for you Vicky Mouse. I love you." I moved away from her swiftly not bothering to look at her. Danielle had hurt me too many times before and I couldn't let her do it again with her sick mind games.

She had always used that power against me, twisting my brain in knots. She must have felt that power slipping away because she moved closer. Still using her enchanting voice.

"Don't you miss me, miss us and all the good times we had?" I laughed half-heatedly remembering the "good times" Danielle was talking about. "

Like all the fantastic times we fought, which was all the time? The times you didn't come back home till the late hours of the night smelling like beer and sex? The times you told my fans they were worthless that they didn't deserve the attention I gave them?" I felt my voice getting louder.

"THE TIMES YOU CANCELLED SHOWS BEHIND MY BACK? THE TIMES WERE YOU TRIED TO CONVIENCE ME TO LEAVE MY BAND, OR MAYBE IT WAS MY FAVORITE MEMORY. THE CROWNING JEWEL THROUGHTOUT OUR ENTIRE ENGAGMENT...the day I stood at the alter for five hours waiting on a bride that wasn't going to come. The day were the girl I loved, my future wife had fled to Italy without a note, a call, hell even a text. Were those the good times you were referring to Danielle?" I turned towards her waiting for her answer but instead all I found was her on the edge of the beige hotel bed with her hands cupped tightly in her lap and tears soaking her shirt. She sniffles a few times before looking up at me.

"God Vic I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you so much I was scared and I didn't know what to do and I'm sorry." I sighed I didn't know whether or not I should believe her but what I did know is that I will always love her never as much as I did before but I still love her. As I looked into Dani's puffy red eyes I couldn't help but think about Keira's green ones. I had hurt two important people today with my words and even though I can't fix one right now I could sure as hell fix the other. I cupped my hands around Danielle's face and gently pulled her closer to me until we were an inch apart. Her breath caught as I moved closer and pressed my lips against hers. An old flame ignited inside me as I moved my mouth with hers, gracefully sliding my hand on her back and gently laying her down. It has been awhile since I've had sex with Danielle but I still remembered everything that drove her crazy. She slide my shirt off and threw it to the ground as I fumbled with my pants button until I slipped those off as well.

I didn't notice but Danielle had taken off her outfit and was now laying in her back in just her panties. Her body wasn't nearly as breath-taking as Keira's and her green eyes seemed dull in comparison but nevertheless she was sexy as fuck. I kissed her one more time before letting nature take it's course.


I turned over in my sleep annoyed by the sound of my phone ringing. I sat up and looked over to find Danielle passed out naked next to me. I grabbed my phone out of my jeans that were carelessly thrown on the floor. I opened it and was astonished by the numerous amount of text and calls I had. Looking at the most recent I saw it was from my brother.

MIKE: We're coming to get you jackass!!!!

I smiled Mike always had a way with words. I got up and quickly trudged on my jeans and shirt. Mike was going to kill me. Hell everyone was going to kill me it was 9:39 and we were supposed to leave at 8:15. I shook Danielle shoving her clothes at her as she gained consciousness. I was about to tell her what was happening when I heard a click of the key and the door swing open.

"Vic everyone is waiting the bus is..." Keira drifted off mid-sentence as she took in the scene before her. I tried to say something but all the saliva in my mouth suddenly vanished. I looked over at Danielle who wore a smug look on her face, it even looked victorious. I looked at Keira noticing that she had changed. She wore a gray and pale green Pierce The Veil sweater with black tights and black combat boots with neon green laces. Her blue and now purple hair was pulled into a sloppy bun and her face was make-up free. She was the most beautiful human being I had ever seen. Just as quickly as she had came she left without another word. I raced out the door only to find her slumped against the wall. She stood up as she saw me but I grabbed her arm making her stay in front of me.

"Leave me alone Vic!" she said her voice soft and raspy. She has been crying before. I sighed and rubbed my neck not knowing what to say. A few moments passed before she spoke.

"Did it mean anything?" She looked me in the eye and it suddenly felt like she was staring at my soul. I looked down at the ground and shook my head no. Keira slammed up against the opposite wall and forced me to look her in the face.

"Be honest with me Vic. Look me in the eyes and tell me it didn't mean anything." I looked into her magnificent green eyes and knew I couldn't lie to her. She knew too and let go of me. Then she did something I didn't expect she took hold of my hands and kissed me. Her soft lips touched mine and soon I was falling in a deep abyss that I never wanted to leave. Once I had her lips on mine I wanted more but instead she moved back and looked at m.

"Did that mean anything to you?" I was taken back by her question. Of course it meant something to me because she meant everything to me.

"Yes, it meant the world to me." She didn't smile at my answer, she just kept her poker face on.

"I'm going down to the bus with the guys and Danielle's in there, you stay with whoever means more to you and once you choose you leave the other one alone for good." She straightened herself out and started walking down the hall not taking a single glance back at me. I began walking towards Keira when all of a sudden I thought about Danielle she was expecting me to come back in.

After all we just had sex if I left her without an explanation that would make her feel as if I was just using her to get over Keira which know that I think about it I kinda was. I couldn't just leave Danielle I would hurt her. I walked back towards the room door and closed it behind me. Danielle was pretending to straighten up the bed but I knew she had been listening at the door. She glanced at me and strutted over wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me on my cheek.

"You made the right choice babe." I looked at the window across the room and stared at my reflection. I stared at this man in the reflection whom I hated.

This man who had a girl that wasn't Keira wrapped around him. I stared at the man who didn't pick Danielle because she meant more but because she wasn't strong like Keira and he didn't want to hurt her feelings. I looked at this man named Victor Vincent Fuentes who loved Keira Martinez but was here with Danielle Victoria. I stared at myself and realized I had made the wrong decision and there was no going back.

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