My Love For You Was Bulletproof But You're The One Who Shot Me

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-Keira's P.O.V.-

We walked back to the car surprisingly all of us laughing. Hanging out with Danielle was better than I thought. I had gotten my hair re-dyed so that it was purple and blue. I had also painted my nails and gotten a facial. Delilah had done the same only she kept her hair a dark red. Danielle had gotten every kind of massage possible. Danielle was in the middle of telling us the story of how she almost left Vic in Seattle.

"So I was halfway out of Washington when I get a phone call from Vic saying to pick him up at the corner of the store and I was like wait you're NOT in the backseat." I laughed hearing stories of Vic and Danielle was not the easiest thing to do but they certainly were funny. Me and Danielle climbed in the car but Delilah did not follow.

"You gettin in" I asked from my window? Delilah looked both ways as if she was looking for something.

"My boss texted me I have to go review some stuff at the restaurant but Austin said he would pick me up here." I looked at her, she seemed nervous but for what I don't know. The only thing I could do was blow her a kiss and start the car. As I pulled out of the parking lot I realized I didn't know where I was going. Danielle seemed to sense these because she started giving me directions.

"Vic texted me saying he would meet us for lunch at Portobello's." I nodded my head, I knew where that was. As we came up to a stop sign I looked at my phone, why hadn't Vic just texted me. That's right he didn't have my number. I shifted in my seat at this realization. Vic didn't even know my number, yet we had sex and said we love each other. What the hell as gotten in to me? She looked at me and I saw a small smirk form on her face. Danielle looked ahead of her but began speaking to me.

"I just want to inform you that Vic's going to break up with you in a matter of time, I give it a week." I shook my head not knowing if I heard her right but then again what else could she have possibly said? I tried to keep my eyes on the road but I couldn't help but think, if I got in a car crash would it be possibly to just kill her side of the car.

"Excuse me?" I asked after I decided I couldn't take any chance with the car crash thing. She just laughed cause apparently what I said was funny.

"You heard me you and Vic dating is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. I mean really do you honestly think Vic would date someone like you with this whole I'm an emo badass act? He wants a real woman like me, one who actually has a job and doesn't dress like they just woke up on the wrong side of the trash can. Not to mention I'm beautiful so there's that. you might as well just quit while you're ahead because Vic will come back to me and he will just drop you right at the corner weirdo and freak."

It took me a good second not to hit the break and kill this bitch where she sat. How did she from likable to mega bitch in a short matter of time. This is why I choose to be a bitch all the time it makes things simpler.

"Listen here you pampered spoiled ass bitch, don't act like you fucking know me cause you don't and if you think I will not get out if this car and kick your ass till your face is as purple as my hair your fucking wrong. Who are you to tell me what Vic and I will and will not do?" Danielle didn't miss a beat, normal girls would be breaking down crying if I made this threat especially as we were just pulling into the parking lot of the Italian restaurant.

"This temper of yours is quite rude Keira watch how you talk to me Vic said play nice." I gritted my teeth knowing she was right but instead of admitting it I walked out if the car and towards the door, normally I would keep my promise and beat the living crap out of her but I decided to try and keep calm. I would not let her get under me skin.

As I walked into the small building I was immediateley hit with the smell of fresh pasta and bread. I inhaled deeply enjoying the smell. The building was small but still very roomy. The roof was a skylight and let in all of the San Diego sunshine which basked the isles of tables in a warm and fuzzy glow. A tall brunette walked over, a huge false smile spread across her face.

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