Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I woke up around 3 am to hear mumbling. I got up slowly while rubbing my eyes and went to check it out. Once I walked out to the hall way, I could see my parent's bedroom lights on. I then saw my dad opening our safe, getting money out and talking on the phone to one of my family members. It  sounded like he was asking for money.

"U-uh yah. I promise to pay it all back when I get the money. I just need to get May out of jail for her sake! For her family, me, and especially my 2 girls that look up to her. I can't raise them by myself! Are you crazy? I can't even cook a descent meal." he hesitated.

I slowly walked backed to my room and quickly text my best friend, Julia, what had happened. At the time, she was the only person I trusted to keep my secrets until I knew it was ok to tell more people. She texted back and told me that she had my back. I could feel a small smile stretch across my face, knowing I picked the right person to tell.


The next day, I got up, trying to hide my pain and putting on a fake smile to last the whole day. 

"Thank god it's Friday..." I mumbled.

As I walked to the bus, I met up with some friends and stayed quite, pretending that I was just tired. When we got on the bus, I decided to sit alone and look outside the window till we got to school.  The bus pulled up to the back of the school and I quickly got out and ran to the cafeteria to meet up with Julia.

"Hey," I aired out.

"Hi," she said happily.

I carefully watched Julia and our friend, Mason, eat their breakfast. I began to think about what happened last night. I tried to hold back the tears, but they came rushing out minutes later when we headed out to the courtyard after breakfast.


"It's ok Taylor! Everything is going to be fine! It's just gonna be awhile till you see your mom again, I promise." she said.

"Thanks you, Julia. I really needed that. But for right now, let's keep it a secret. Then you can tell Mason later." I said as I wiped away a tear.

"Okie dokie." she whispered.

Hope you guys liked this chapter kinda wanted it to go further into detail and bring out a character that well be used in a lot of these chapters :)

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