Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Today was the day I went back to school and I wasn't my old sad moppy self I forgot about ryan and I have my mother back I met up with julia and mason like always in the cafeteria ate breakfast and went to the gym as we sat down, I saw him my crush his name was Christopher he was on the other side of the gym and omg he looked so good today I wish he felt that way about me but idk I knew him since 5 grade he might just think of me as a friend and oh boy was I wrong. Once the bell rang I said goodbye to julia and mason went to my locker met up with my friend Kim and went to first period together and Christopher was also in my first period he sat right across of me. it was 5 more minutes till the bell rang to go to 2nd period before I went to Kim's desk Chris came up to me and gave me this folded note, not knowing what to say I sped walked to Kim and squealed and open the note, it was a long paragraph of stuff he liked about me and at the very bottom it said well you go out with me with a winky face.


"Ok o-OMG SAY YES SAY YES" she said excited.

"Ok,ok" I said folding up the noted and pushing it into my back pocket.

Once the bell rang we got up and walked into the hallway, as I turned around I could see Christopher running up to me and telling me "did you read the note".

"Yes,yes I did". I smiled trying not to blush.

"We'll then" he laughed.

"YES" I squealed.

I could see he was blushing and hiding his emotions, as Kim Christopher and I walked down the hallway before I went to class Kim playfully pushed me into Chris making him out his arm around me and thenhugged me before going into my next class.

"See you guys later" I smiled.

"See yah" they both said walking off.

Oh today started off so great for me, I just hope my parents don't find out because If I don't tell them and then they find out they might think he's a bad guy or something but I just know they well love him. As I was working on science I just kept thinking and thinking how am I gonna tell my parents he wasn't one of those really bad guys or jerks he was this regular guy that has a good style in cloths and was very umm smart I giggled out loud letting everyone look at me strange. Oh well at least nothing can ruin my happiness today.


As soon as I got home I texted julia what had happened and she was very happy for me, just my parents didn't know and I had to tell them before they thought there was something going wrong. I stepped in front of my parents and cleared my throat took a deep breathe and told my parents what had happened and told them he is a very nice and sweet person I knew him since 5th grade and he is a very kind person and told my parents every detail about him because I was happy to call him mine.

"Alright honey I'm proud of you" my mom said waving me over to come and hug her.

"Good for you princess but if he ever hurts you he well get a foot stuck up his-

"RAY" my mom interrupted causing everyone in the room to laugh.

As I skipped my dinner since I had butterfly's in my stomach i don't know why but I just couldn't stop being so happy that me and Christopher were dating but I just then reliazed him and ryan were somewhat friends, oh well I'll just tell him tomorrow I just wanted to keep this happy feeling going and never stop.

As I got ready for bed I could not sleep just thinking about Christopher oh well it well probably go away tomorrow I told my self finally going to sleep.

Hai guys than you so much especially for reading my book today I noticed I had 27 people reading this book and then before I made this chapter the number wen up to 38 wow I know it's not alit but to me it is and thanks so much for spreading the word thank you!!!!

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