[1] ᴊᴜɴᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴏғ ʀᴇᴀʟɪsᴀᴛɪᴏɴ

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Thank you all so much for adding my story to your reading lists and comments! Sorry for the wait though, hope you enjoy! <3

Thank you all so much for adding my story to your reading lists and comments! Sorry for the wait though, hope you enjoy! <3

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He doesn't know it,

But one boy,

One particularly close to him,

Craves his attention.

Yuuri woke up that morning feeling like shit, his legs ached and his mind spun endlessly

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Yuuri woke up that morning feeling like shit, his legs ached and his mind spun endlessly. When he tried to stand, he simply stumbled over his own feet and crashed into his bedroom desk.

Nobody paid mind to the racket since they were all sleeping, it was, after all, 4AM in the morning.

Still, with half lidded eyes Yuuri changed out of his pajamas and jogged to the skating rink.

He left the house, quietly as possible and didn't pay no mind to the freezing cold weather. He'd been foolish to forget his coat anyway.

Soon enough, he arrived at the building. The front was locked and they weren't open so early, so he used the back door.

Again, he carefully stepped in and shut the door behind him, heading towards the locker rooms and looking for his skates.

When he found them, he sighed and sat down on the strangely cold bench and began to tie up his laces. His back ached when he bent over, he still was tired from the skate in China.

But Yuuri had to do something, needed to do something to get his mind off that kiss.

Sure, before he had feelings for Victor, but that was when he wasn't sure about his feelings.

He'd never been in love, never dedicated to a relationship. And this kiss just made him realise.

Taking his mind off thise thoughts, he finishes up his laces and heads for the skating rink.

victuuri/viktuuri ↣ fragileWhere stories live. Discover now