[15] ᴛᴀsᴛᴇ ᴏғ ᴅᴇғᴇᴀᴛ

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"We learn

little from victory,

but much

from defeat."

Together, all 3 of them stood on the podium in front of the whole cheering stadium

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Together, all 3 of them stood on the podium in front of the whole cheering stadium. Yuuri was beginning to contemplate whether or not he earned this, but then again, it wasn't what he was aiming for.

Yet, he still stood proudly with the silver medallion cupped in his hands, a huge smile plastered on his face. He just hoped that his parents and Minako were just as proud as he was in that moment.

Beside him, were Yuri Plisetsky and Otabek Altin, both with the same bright smiles Yuuri had on his own face. Otabek not so much with the happy face, but more of a proud, content expression.

The teenage figure skater, though, was jumping up and down in his shoes, waving to the camera and letting a few tears slip from his eyes as he watched as his grandfather approached them on the ice and stood beside Yuri on the podium.

Yuri immediately let out a hand to help his grandfather up, and from there, a large embrace was shared between the two, and the photographers took it as a chance to snap a quick photo.

Otabek's own coach stood with him, not as cheery or joyous as she should've been, but the same expression Otabek himself had, and the two both looked eerily content with third place.

Yuuri, still debating whether or not this were an accomplishment or a failure, skated off the ice along with everyone else after the announcements and acknowledgements have been said. He approached Victor with his smile still on his face, pushing aside the deflating thoughts.

"Victor!" He exclaimed as he came to a stop at the edge of the skating rink and balanced himself on the blades of his skates. He half wobbled and ran towards Victor, and the Russian himself held his arms out to support Yuuri.

The Japanese male gratefully accepts the leisure of Victor's arms before speaking, "It's not a gold medal..." Yuuri starts off uncertainly as he holds up the silver medal with both hands, "But it's still a step forward for me."

Victor's surprised expression came after Yuuri sounded so confident with the last few words and smiled as a result of it, "Well, Yuuri~" He starts off as he lifts a hand to cup Yuuri's cheek in his warm hands, "I don't feel like kissing it unless it's a gold medal..."

Slowly, Victor grabs Yuuri's hands with his own and pulls them close to his chest and leaning over onto the Japanese, almost pushing him off balance, "I really wanted a gold medal from you, Yuuri, but I guess I'll need something else to kiss..."

Suddenly, the thought of Victor's lips on his own flooded Yuuri's mind, and as a result, Yuuri clenched Victor's own hands in nervousness.

"Any suggestions, Yuuri~?" Victor asks before Yuuri launches himself onto the older male, pushing him back on the seat behind them and crashing his lips to the others.

The kiss was quick, but Yuuri was still able to taste the sweetness of Victor's lips.

Yuuri immediately pulls away to observe the face of a shocked Victor, his cheeks red and mouth slightly parted. What came after was the biggest smile Victor could muster, and a glint in his eyes before he embraced Yuuri in a bear-hug.

"Yuratchka, I'm so proud of you," Yuri's grandfather says in a very low yet joyous voice as tears escape his already swollen eyes, and he holds his nephew in a tight embrace as they approach the nearest restaurant

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"Yuratchka, I'm so proud of you," Yuri's grandfather says in a very low yet joyous voice as tears escape his already swollen eyes, and he holds his nephew in a tight embrace as they approach the nearest restaurant.

In return, the blonde nuzzles his face into his grandfather's side, his polyester skater's jacket felt cold against the other's woolly sweater.

As they walked, people would turn and look at the new found gold medalist of Russia for 2016 and most would ask for photos or signings. Even though this bothered Yuri, he was relieved there were no paparazzi stalking them.

His gold medallion was hidden under the folds of his jacket as his grandfather pushed open the door to the restaurant they'd wanted to enter, and the wafting smell of the cooked food flooded Yuri's mouth.

An immediate rumble emitted from the teen's stomach, his face immediately turning red from embarrassment as his grandfather let out a hearty laugh, "Someone's hungry," he says in a voice differing from the one earlier when his eyes were pouring tears.

Yuri nods his head frantically, "Very much, grandpa!"

"Hah, alright then, my little lion. Eat anything you want tonight," his grandfather says as a waitress walked up to attend them and lead them to one of the empty tables near the window.

Candles shone brightly in the already dazzling room and gave off a yellow, homey atmosphere. People were eating all kinds of foods in the restaurant, shashlyk, solyanka, pelmeni, and so much more.

The sound of laughter was evident in the building as there were many people in the restaurant, as well as waiters and waitresses rushing to deliver their orders and the sound of steaming pots and pans were loud from the kitchens.

It certainly was a great night to celebrate Yuri's victory.


Happy Mother's Day to all Mums!

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