[11] ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴄʜᴜʀᴄʜ

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"I'll worship like a dog

on the shrine of

your lies."

They stood there together, Yuuri shaking as he took the older man's hand and struggled not to drop the golden item in his hand

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They stood there together, Yuuri shaking as he took the older man's hand and struggled not to drop the golden item in his hand.

The orchestra in the background created a beautiful vibe for the two, making the moment they're sharing somewhat magical.

A cold breeze pushed past the two, drying Yuuri's eyes a bit and they started to water, making it look like he was crying. Quickly, he wiped away the stray tears and sniffled as he looked up at Victor with compassionate eyes.

The silver haired male returned the smile, his rosy cheeks stood out from his pale complexion. His face was snuggled into the warmth of the scarf he was wearing.

The Russian's eyes widened as Yuuri pulled out a golden ring, tightening his grip on the pale hand he didn't want to slip away and steadied himself as he slid the ring on halfway.

Yuuri panicked a bit when he struggled to push it further, damn it, ring, I know I got the right size! He thought to himself as he pushed the ring a little harder and it slid on perfectly.

Yuuri sighed in relief that it fit, his beating heart raced with pride and love for the person standing before him.

The Japanese man's smile faltered when he saw the expression on Victor's face. A somewhat half-hearted yet disappointed look shone in his ocean blue eyes as he pulled out the same golden ring from his pocket. He seemed to be deep in thought.

Victor let out a light chuckle as he held it up in front of Yuuri, startling the younger male, "It seems to be the same ring?" Victor said as he slowly bent his knees to match Yuuri's face height.

Victor gazed into Yuuri's eyes, a blush spreading across the younger male's cheeks as he leans in slowly to place a generous kiss on the other's lips.

Even though it only lasted a second, Yuuri felt on fire with his emotions and lifted his hand to touch where Victor had placed his lips. The Russian smiled at this action and took the hand Yuuri had held up.

He holds the Japanese man's hand in his larger one and slips the ring onto the male's ring-finger, smiling as he did so.

Yuuri's eyes began to water, not because of the wind but because he was genuinely heartfelt. He held his hand up to see the ring glimmer in the candlelight that now shone as the sky got darker with each passing minute.

victuuri/viktuuri ↣ fragileWhere stories live. Discover now