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Hey, hey, hey, people!

I got tagged by one of my most honourable friends on this site, I highly recommend you go check this little cupcake out because their stories are amazing, and themselves as a person is beautiful.


Okayyyyyyyyy so onto the questions....

Okayyyyyyyyy so onto the questions

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1. Crap. I'd have to go with Bohooto.

2. Season 3 smashed it//Winter, since it's my birthday month and I get to stay inside all day and drink hot chocolate.

3. Cadbury, my whole pantry is stocked with that blessing xD

4. First impression? Just by the username I knew we'd get along. Plus, you popped up out of nowhere and I like spontaneous people like that ;;)

5. I would have to suffocate you with a bear hug from happiness.

6. Favourite anime OP would have to be between Mashi Mashi (Haikyuu! opening 5) or History Maker, I have that shit on repeat for God knows how long.

7. Coffee, I suddenly gave up on tea, that stuff used to be my sanctuary.

8. Definitely would have to be Mulan since she's a super badass warrior and I'm in love with ancient Chinese and Japanese mythology.

9. I am absolutely terrified of moths.


Arigato for the tag, nishinoooya! Go follow if you haven't, I swear you won't regret it

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Arigato for the tag, nishinoooya! Go follow if you haven't, I swear you won't regret it.

victuuri/viktuuri ↣ fragileWhere stories live. Discover now