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That was the toughest program I've done so far

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That was the toughest program I've done so far... Yuuri thought to himself, and indeed, he couldn't help but agree with himself.

His whole body ached from the falls he'd taken and his fingers were numbed from touching onto the ice so many times. He'd been sure that he saw a hint of blue on them when he checked to see if they'd been strained.

The whole stadium cheered for the skater on his knees, breathing heavily as he forced himself to stand and make his way to the gate. His temporary coach, Yakov, gave him a weary glare and grunted, "I don't have any hope that you'll get a good enough score," he stated, shattering Yuuri to pieces.

The younger male's eyes widened and his breath caught in his throat. The two of them approached the bench where Yuuri would receive his score as well as a juice box, and to admit it, the Japanese skater wasn't feeling hopeful at all.

Yuuri drank from the carton in his hand through the score as Coach Yakov continued to ramble about his skate, "You completely failed to take advantage of the program Vitya made for you!" He growled, using a nickname for Victor that Yuuri had never heard before.

When the old man used the nickname 'Vitya', Yuuri turned around to listen to the coach, even though it was mostly a scolding, but Yuuri was surely interested in what he was saying now.

"Why didn't you practise for the possibility that you might flub a jump!? Vitya was the same, I guess he'll never learn differently as a coach-"

He's just like Victor, a huge lecture at the kiss and cry. Yuuri thought to himself as he heard Coach Yakov use the same nickname again.

"I doubt he'll ever learn-" Yakov's sentence was cut off by a huge rally of cheers and screams as the announcer presented Yuuri Katsuki's score on the screen.

"His free skate score is 172.87, his total score is 282.87. He is currently in third place and he may yet advance to the Grand Prix Final, but we won't know until the end of it."

The shocked faces on both Yuuri and Yakov would've confused the world if they had the chance to notice them, but before they all knew it, the next skater was getting ready to present his free skate.

Yakov spoke, nonetheless, and this time with surprise and probably a hint of pride, "That's a higher score than I expected..." He says, his eyes trailing to Yuuri's dazed one and the coach felt a bit worried of the skater's unusual, low behaviour towards him, "What's wrong, Katsuki?"

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