[19] ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ, 10 ᴍᴏɴᴛʜs ғʀᴏᴍ ɴᴏᴡ

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He skated.

And it was beautiful.

Each glide he made and every jump he perfected were those he wished he could still do by his side, despite the harsh times he and the other went through.

Yuuri has certainly become a living legend in the 10 months he'd parted from Victor, the toxic bomb he was practically living beside.

It may have been a hard choice, but he knew that it was good to the other on many other aspects than a positive mindset and build of courage.

He watched at Yuuri's closed his performance and took a bow to the audience, the waves of cheers were endless and the people genuinely seemed to appreciate the effort Yuuri put into his own choreography.

And so, the night was over. the world came to see Yuuri perform 4 skates, all of which had been a good eyesore for everyone- You couldn't take your eyes off the performance.

One person in particular, though, had his eyes wide open during the whole skate. The man who regretted not holding onto the other.

He watched as Victor ran after Yuuri who was currently exiting the stadium along with everybody else.

His fame was diminishing, and everyone saw it.


The now free and worldwide known skater stared off into the scenery, taking slow sips from his water bottle. He saw people filing out of the stadium doors and filling the widespread steps.

Yuuri smiled as he realised how many people were actually watching him, and it gave him a proud feeling to know that so many people admired his art.

He felt completely different from who he used to be- A chicken cooped up in a cage is what he'd like to describe it as.

In the midst of a gulp of water and a cool breeze soothing his heated cheeks, he hears a voice he'd been paranoid of hearing for so long since their last meeting.


He slowly turns his head to see him, and from shock, Yuuri begins choking of his water, banging onto his chest from the spontaneous visit from his once idol.

Out of courtesy, Victor approaches and pats Yuuri's back in hopes of helping the other soothe his throat so they could finally have a conversation from the last time they met.

Finally, Yuuri ceases the coughing and lifts his head to meet the pair of blue eyes he'd once admired and loved so deeply.

"Victor?" He asks without hesitation and gives the man an immediate shove to the chest when he realised how close their bodies were, "What do you want?"

Victor stumbles over his feet a little before regaining his balance, this time holding the railing for support as he shows no sign of anger from what Yuuri had just done, "I just wanted to see you again,

and I'm sorry for what I did to you."


Please comment any questions you want to be answered in the next chapter.

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