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[Mild sexual content]

When it feels like

the world's weight

is off your shoulders.

"YES, YUURI!!" Victor calls from the sides as the Japanese skater holds his last move on the ice, an uproar of cheers and screams coming from the crowd

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"YES, YUURI!!" Victor calls from the sides as the Japanese skater holds his last move on the ice, an uproar of cheers and screams coming from the crowd. The ice was overflowed with stuffed toys, and one that looked like shrimp hits Yuuri in the head.

"Oof!" The boy muffles as he's hit with another stuffed toy, but catches it this time, "Thank you!" He calls out to the crowd as he waves and more girlish squeals come from them. This makes Yuuri smile and blushes a little as he skates over to Victor, a wide smile on his face.

"Yuri!" The silver haired male exclaims, "That was perfect!"

As Yuuri approaches his coach, he ducks his head to take a breather and when he raises his head, he is faced with the sight of the blonde haired skater, once a ball of angriness, now looking at peace and calmed.

Yuri Plisetsky finally looked something other than angry, until the blush on Yuuri's and the shocked smile on Victor's faces faded when the 15-year-old blows his hair to the side and sneers at Yuuri staring at him in awe.

"What're you looking at?" Yuri growls, "Out of my way, pig." With that, he pushes past the black haired skater, causing him to trip over into Victor's arms.

"Yuri, you okay-" Victor starts when Yuuri jumps up and warmly grabs the older male's pale, pinkish hands, the plushies forgotten on the floor.

The look Yuuri gives Victor confuses the older male for a second when a smile spreads on his face, too, "This is Yurio's real agape!"


"Nice!" They both exclaim at once, causing a few people to look at them weirdly, but the pair didn't mind as Yuuri jumps onto Victor to give him a hug.

They both walk over to the bench to receive Yuuri's score, and while waiting, the black haired skater leans his head on the older male's shoulder, both smiling like idiots.

"Yuuri," Victor starts and Yuuri replies with a hum of acknowledgement as he snuggles into Victor's shoulder.

The Russian skater waits for a moment when he lightly grabs Yuuri by the chin and lifts his face to face his own. Their lips move a little closer, a blush building on Yuuri's cheeks, "Vi-ctor...?"

"You did brilliant, Yuuri," his coach finally says when the announcer's voice booms through the speakers.

"And for Yuuri Katsuki's score!"

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