[16] ʜᴇ ʟᴏᴠᴇs ᴍᴇ ɴᴏᴛ

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"The reason

you're so


is because you're 



Hand in hand, they walk together down the sidewalk

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Hand in hand, they walk together down the sidewalk.

Yuuri's gaze is fixated on everything around him, the birds, the bridge they were crossing, the shining river in the moonlight. But he was especially focused on the warmth of the hand he held.

It was clear that Victor's hand was bigger than his, but it surprised Yuuri that the Russian's hand almost made the other's almost entirely invisible in his grasp.

The thought of that brought a warm feeling to Yuuri's cold cheeks, the wind pushing against his hair and tinting his face with pink. When his eyes moved up to meet Victor's eyes already trained on him, he felt his blush turn 10 times darker.

The silver-haired male's eyes hadn't changed since the stadium. The same lustful look was still embedded into his blue, glinting eyes.

It made Yuuri nervous and excited every time he looked into Victor's eyes, but all the same, he was the one who gave him comfort for all these past 9 months.

But it was over now, wasn't it?

Yuuri was done with everything now, wasn't he?

He was sick and tired of all these up and down feelings he had for his coach and now lover, and he never seemed to grasp the true emotion his heart held for his significant other.

Sometimes, Victor would prove to him that he felt the same way, that even he was still confused with what he wanted from the Japanese skater.

It happened often ever since their first confession, and it didn't sit well with Yuuri everytime he reflected back to the moment they both realised they shared the same feelings for each other.

But it was alright now.

Yuuri finally decided to stay with Victor with a smile and an embrace. He had to wait another year to get that gold medal, but Victor was the greatest prize he could receive.

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