Cleril Fanfiction #2

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Requested by: @DaughterOfHades222 

She really needed this or she was going to die!!! :P Now, LET'S GET RIIIIIGGGHHHHHT, INTO THE NEEEEWWWWWSSSSS! (Guess where I got that from and you'll get some sort of prize involving Wattpad)!

Peril POV

"Oh, Peril. You're the best," stated Clay as he leaned in to kiss Peril. From her excitement, Peril woke up from her dream all jumpy but realized it was all just in her head.

"Ugh..." sighed Peril as she got ready for her job, of course, at the one and only Jade Mountain Academy. Why am I so boy crazy Peril asked herself. Well, I mean, he is the first guy that actually cares about me answered Peril as she trotted on out of her cave to the commotion in the dining area.

She was expecting to see Clay digging through all the food but it was only two other Sandwings and a Skywing. Hhm, maybe too early for Clay? But, I thought sleep never stopped him from getting food. Well...I know! I'll bring him food if he's still sleeping! That'll be nice.

Clay POV

Clay was indeed sleeping, and he knew it too. You know that part of sleep where you're still dreaming but you have partial control over your actions? That's what Clay was experiencing right now. He was standing all by himself in a dark room, most likely a cave where dragons kept flashing past him. He saw his family, then Starflight, and then the rest of his friends. First Tsunami, next Glory, after Sunny, and then Peril. His friends.

Clay awoke to Peril beside him with a cow thigh. She had a big smile on her face that showed many emotions. Happy, excited, and loved.

"Oh my, Peril! Thank moons I know you!" Clay expressed loudly as he grabbed the meat and bit into it. Peril started laughing as she sat down next to him.

"I knew you'd be hungry," exclaimed Peril, "You Mudwings need their fruits and vegetables to be all big and strong!"

"Ehhh, I don't like much of that...but I like this!" Clay said as he took another bite. Peril kind've looked at him for awhile but smiled as she asked, "Good sleep?"

"Ya. I still remember this dream I had too. It was about other dragons I knew like Tsunami, Glory, and Sunny. Oh! You were there too!"

Peril took awhile to answer. She then shook out of her thoughts realizing she was in midst another conversation.

"Cool. Hey, I'm going to get some food myself. See you out there?" shakily questioned Peril. Clay nodded (since he didn't want to speak with his mouth full) and Peril walked out. He gulped down his few last bites as he trotted over to the library.

Peril POV

Why do I always have bad luck with things at this school, or boys, or anywhere! Does he forget all the great moments we shared together or the one reason why I actually stayed at this school?! Peril talked in her head. That's so silly though. That only happened  awhile ago when I was planning to leave...and he stopped me...and kissed me... Peril daydreamed as she walked through the caves to get to the seagulls.

She grabbed a rather plump one because of the amount of thinking she was doing and chowed down on it. Maybe I'm crazy/jealous but, does his other friends who are girls have more of a connection with him than me? I don't think so. Maybe he's crazy! Ya, he doesn't understand our beautiful connection. Peril laughed to herself but, part of her felt like she was right.

Peril finished her seagull for the next couple of minutes, waiting for Clay, who didn't come. Peril started getting worried and got up to try to find him. More students were out eating but no other teachers.

She first left for his room again, but only found bits of cow thigh. Clay...what are you doing. It better not be something bad! Peril next walked/ran down the hall, checking every room until she finally found him. 

Peril was devastated finding Clay talking with Tsunami and Sunny (Starflight was still sleeping). They all just looked at her as she came in.

"Hey Peril! Want to join us?" put out Clay. Huh, acting like nothing happened mister. Hhmp...LOVE MEEEEHHHHH!!! 😂😍😘

"I thought you were coming back," annoyingly complained Peril.

"Oh I was! I like food, which you all probably know. I just wanted to chat with them really quick," told Clay.

"Ya, we were only talking," Tsuanmi  added. She gets why I'm worrying. But, can I trust she isn't just saying that...

Tsuanmi nudged Sunny. She stood up more mumbling, "Oh, duh Sunny," she turned to face Peril, "don't worry Peril. We're all friends," as she winked. Peril tried to smile but her instincts told her otherwise.

"Can I talk to you two alone, please," Peril asked as nice as herself could answer at that time. Tsuanmi and Sunny looked at eachother but walked over to her anyway. Clay looked confused but he got distracted looking at books and didn't hear what they were talking about.

"Umm, you guys probably know this but, I like Clay, very much," whispered Peril.

"Um-hhm," both noised.

"Aaaannndd, I just want to make sure you all are just good buddies and not like, romantic, and stuff like that," finished Peril.

They both looked like they understood as they embarrassing smiled. "That would be REALLY weird if not," stated Tsunami and Sunny giggled. Peril sighed with relief.

"Ah thanks guys. I just...I just have trouble trusting or believing people after being lied to Scarlet for all that time."

"I so want to hug you right now! You're so strong and beautiful and awesome Peril," bashed Sunny. Peril blushed (but thry probably couldn't see it because of her scale color).

"Boys are stupid sometimes. You have to just get used to it," expressed Tsunami as she rolled her eyes.

"Thanks a lot. Also, can I have some time with my, cough cough, lover?" asked Peril blushing more. Sunny giggled again as they said, "you get him girl!"

I don't think this was as good or as long as my other fanfictions but we've figured something out. Peril is very sensitive to what happens to her and exaggerates A LOT! :P Just the way I picture her I guess lol. Thanks everyone for everything like commenting and voting for my stories! Can I ask a favor though? It would make it easy if anyone who suggested a fanfiction ship story who I haven't done yet to re-comment on this fanfiction what they would want me to write again? I'm getting behind on ships and forgot what I need to write sooooo, pretty please re-comment for me...! 😁😊😉 Emojis! Thanks people and maybe possibly I'll post tomorrow or just soon!

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