Chapter 8

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All Because of Ice Cream Chapter: 8


The number one princess in the world~

I know and that is why you are my~


Stupid alarm clock! If I punch it will it break!? I punched it.

“Ow....geez was my singing that bad?” My eyes opened wide.

“Kaito!? What are you doing in my bedroom!?”

“You broke your alarm clock, so I thought I'd wake you myself...but obviously my voice is terrible.” He started fake crying.

“ know- there are better ways to wake someone up!”

“I thought that if I poured cold water on you that you'd kill me.”

“I would.”

“But I don't understand is there any other way?” He thought for a second, then his eyes lit up. “Oh Miku-chan.... Who would have thought that you'd like me so much as to want to be woken up like that.” He smiled then leaned close.

“I-i-idiot, t-t-that's not what I was talking about. I was talking about pulling the blankets off!” I could only hope he didn't see my blush.

“Alright.” He shrugged and started to get up to leave. I grabbed his shirt.

“N-no... D-don't go... I-I... If you want to you can.... k-kiss me.” I looked down at my pajamas while blushing.

“Oh.” He had shocked eyes.

“You don't have to if you don't want to.” I said angrily.


I was shocked... I didn't think she'd actually... Oh... I was blushing. Hard. “Oh.”

“You don't have to if you don't want to.” She said angrily. Then I noticed that she might have taken my silence as rejection. I quickly wrapped my arms around her.

“No. You don't know how much I want to. I might come off as stupid or slow or something, but make no mistake. I am a man. I've had to stop myself many times from attacking you... I- you don't know how much I love you. How beautiful you are. How much I have to hold back.” I hugged her closer trying to transfer all of my feelings through that contact.

“Then don't hold back.” she whispered breathlessly with a beautiful blush on her face. Time stopped. My breath hitched. My heart sped up like it was going to explode.

“You don't understand. I could seriously attack you, you know... I might do something you wouldn't like. It's hard to control.” She quickly grabbed my hand. I looked up at her.

“It wouldn't be something that I wouldn't like.” She took my hand and put it on her chest. “Do you feel that?”

“Y-y-your boob?”

“No you idiot! My heart!” I felt it. Her heartbeat accelerated as fast as mine. “See? That's why I said that it wouldn't be something I don't like.” I looked at her. So beautiful. I touched her face. Brought my face towards hers. My lips were on hers. I wasn't just holding them there. I pushed them against hers. Hard. Hungrily. Before I knew it, I had pushed her down against her bed. I broke apart for a quick breath then started kissing her again. I was touching any part of flesh I could get. Her neck, her legs, everywhere. I touched one of her breasts. I stopped. What was I doing? I looked at her.

“K-kaito?” she whispered. I caressed her swollen lips with my thumb. I looked at her disheveled

hair. Her wrinkled clothes.

“I told you. It's hard to hold back.” I gave her a chaste kiss then, my eyes still half-lidded. “Now if you excuse me, I need to go calm down.”


I sat there for a long time playing that event in my head over and over again. I had never seen Kaito like that... He always seemed so... playful and marshmallowy. My heart was in overdrive. Then I remembered. School started again that day. Crap. I threw some clothes on.


Yerp yerp. Sorry that this chapter didn't reveal what Mikuo is going to do... I hope that you enjoyed it at least. Did your heartbeat speed up. Did you get a tingly feeling? Please tell me. This chapter was mainly fluffy.... but it was also meant to introduce you to a new side of Kaito. One that isn't stupid, child-like, or annoying. Please tell me if I succeeded in the comments. Thanks. Bye bye.

Miku: I-I what just happened?

Kaito: So guys... was I sexy? *Gives sexy smirk*

Miku: What the- my heart is... *Blushes*

Kaito: Someone seems to agree. *looks at Miku*

All Because of Ice Cream Kaito x MikuWhere stories live. Discover now