Extra 1: The Meeting

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 All Because of Ice Cream *EXTRA #1*: The Meeting

*This will all be from Kaito's Point of view*


I sit alone in the park, watching all of the children playing with their parents keeping a strict eye on them. It's different from before, I know. I can remember everything about my parents, but I don't have one memory that includes them watching me that carefully or being happy around me. So I sit and no one else bothers to join, so I just watch.


At this point, I don't really know what I'm doing anymore, days just keep going by and I just watch. And wait. I don't really know what I'm waiting for anymore....death? The people from the government facility wouldn't like it, but I just don't care anymore. Let the government crumble and fall on itself. Let others feel the pain of loss... But still I wait, just wait.


No one ever seems suspicious of what's going on with me, but I am only seven, and I deleted every trace of myself from everyone but the government... Once they know, they know... but I could change that. Still...what's the point? I continue watching the other children being happy. I remember when I used to want to be happy... I guess I just enjoy suffering, observing things that aren't attainable...Why do I wait?


I'd like to think of this bench like my own personal spot. I sit here everyday, undisturbed...but I know it's not mine, I know millions of people must have sat on it before I did, they may have even had the same thought....the only comfort I have is that it's not theirs...but I wasn't really concerned to begin with, right? I just need a passing thought to distract myself...


The more that I think about it, the more I wonder: did my parents feel like this? Were they in so much numb pain that they escaped? I'm just making excuses for them... I really would like to believe that they loved me, but that's not true... I know they didn't love me enough to stay with me. That's not a problem for me, though... no one loved me to begin with... so no one will miss me when I leave...the government only wants me to better itself, really. If I could just fade away...


I turned eight today.... happy birthday to me... The only good thing that comes from this is that I'm a year closer to dying than I was this date last year. I'm still sitting on this bench. “When did I last eat?” I mumble to myself without noticing.

“Well, aren't you hungry?” A little girl with two oceanic pigtails asks. She can't be more than a year younger than me.

“Not particularly.” I mumble, then tilt my head back to look at the sky.

“Pa-ti-cu-cu-a-r-ly?” she questions, tilting her head sideways. I start to think that she's not the brightest in the bunch, but I know that I'm just jealous...I start to think about my parents... If I were born less intelligent, maybe they would have stayed with me. I look at the girl, with her head still tilted.

All Because of Ice Cream Kaito x MikuWhere stories live. Discover now