Chapter 10

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  • Dedicated to Every one reading and enjoying the story

 All Because of Ice Cream Chapter 10


I thought about Kaito a lot after that. My teacher tried to hit me with chalk about five times because I wasn't responding.(I'm such a master that I dodge unconsciously :P) I was still a little shocked... I mean the person that I loved for such a long time who is normally so stupid that if even three points were taken off his I.Q. would reach mental retardation... that kind of person was acting in such a way...was a surprise. I touched my lips. Not an unwelcome surprise. The bell rang for lunch. “Kaito!” I shouted excitedly. The people left in the classroom stared...including Rin and Len who weren't ever trying to hide their smiles. I blushed. “I-I mean.... LEEKS! Bye!” I ran out of the room.


The freaking chibi was sitting at the same table I was. Mine and Miku's lunch table. NOT HIS! “Hey chibi. Why are you here?”

“Imbecile, as if I would want to. I just can't seem to fathom why such idiots as yourself can function without use of your brains. It is quite apparent that I am here waiting for Miku.” He said smartly and continued eating his lunch.

“Too bad for you, Miku and I are dating now.” he didn't bat an eyelash.

“Yes, it seems that my prediction was indeed correct and that you two are currently in a relationship, however, feelings sway easily and I have my own ways of speeding things along. What? Did you think I came here to look at your idiotic face? I think not.”

“I thought as much... Look, you do seem to have your ways of doing things, but they are quite child-like... I would like to give you a warning of my own. Whatever thoughts you have of me being an idiot, you may as well erase. Things are not always as they seem. Haven't you done a background check yet? If so, you haven't dug deep enough.” I finished my warning just in time for Miku to come into the lunch room. “Miku~” I rushed towards her.

“Mikuo!” she rushed towards Mikuo. Why? TT.TT

Five minutes were left of lunch. I stole Miku away for a moment and took her behind the school building. “What is it Kaito?” I quickly hugged her.

“Just making sure this-us- is real. No matter how corny, cliché, or whatever it's still hard to believe that this isn't a dream. I expect every moment that I might just wake up and find out that it isn't like this- that I was dreaming the entire time and we are still just friends. That kind of thing would be agonizing. Do you know how hard it was, the years of knowing how I felt and still not being able to do anything, or even the times when I didn't know and constantly found my hand trying to grab yours?” she hugged me tight.

“Well of course I do idiot, I felt that way too.” she looked up at me and before I knew it had kissed me really quick and was looking to the side in embarrassment.

“What was that for?” I asked.

“Proof.” she answered, smiling sheepishly. “Proof that you're not dreaming.” I looked at her for a moment, at her smile. You're really... You don't know how much I love you. I held her face in my hands and made her look up. “Kaito?” she questioned.

“ seems that I need more convincing.” I leaned down and captured her lips in mine. I broke away after a while and smiled... “Its still a little iffy.... I think I'll need proof everyday from now on.” I guided her back inside the school, almost certain that I heard an answer.

“Okay.” It was soft and shy, but I still heard it.


Okay, guys... this marks the end of chapter 10. hope you enjoyed it. Please vote and leave a comment on what you liked best, or if you were just astounded by it all, please tell me that too. You guys give us writers a lot of our power, you know? Thank you is not nearly enough to say, but nonetheless, thanks you guys. Sincerely, KuroMitsuki. :D P.s. I hope to update again soon, but you never know, so no promises.

ALSO: I'm thinking of a Mikuo POV, would that be okay with you guys? Surely you want to know more about the mysterious Kaito?(sorry, my mind just tends to go everywhere sometimes :P)

Kaito: Thanks guys, every time you vote/comment, it makes the author happy and also-more importantly- gives me more time with Miku.

Miku: Thank you... and please excuse his lack of manners. *glares at Kaito*

Kaito: Eh he he....

All Because of Ice Cream Kaito x MikuWhere stories live. Discover now