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Unknown PoV

Bone chilling winds blew that winter morning, the sun shrouded in a thick layer of clouds casting shadows on the earth surface. A hungry beast growled angrily within me as I stalked around the dark room of my apartment, light snow covering the ground and frost speckled along the windows from outside. The wind was whispering in soft pleads as it rustled through the tree's, the powdered snow taking flight for the second time in its existence. My breath caught in my throat as the deep rumble of the deranged creature within me bellowed, it's coarse voice echoing out of my clenched jaw like the yowl of a wild cat. I hadn't had my fill in weeks, my internals acting out and expressing their disapproval as a scrumptious scent filled my nose.

Just a few kilometers outside of the city drove a small silver car, it's frosted surface relaying its surroundings in a foggy mirrored version as it safely crawled down a frosted path of snow and ice. The scene played over my eyes as I stared blankly into a dark corner of the room, my leather jacket squeaking as I reached out to a near by wall for balance. Within the car sat a happy little family consisting of a Mother, Father and young girl. Their voices echoed in my ears like they were deep within a tunnel while I stood at its entrance their proximity close yet far off. My mouth watered slightly at the vibrancy of their souls, the beast within yowling once more, pleading me to follow through with my devious thoughts to snatch them away from their fleshy beings.

The wintery air bit at my exposed flesh before my heavy black cloak hugged my body in a warm in embrace as I manifested its darkly weaved body against my own. The massive dark hood was pulled up over my face staying in place even though a strong wind blew as I stole along a snowy path, the silver car on its way towards me. I transitioned to a high branch of a sleepy oak tree as it wheezed in protest to my inhuman weight. I squatted on its thick branch, my eyes shifting over the snowy road at I plotted how the family would meet their delicious demise. Underneath a thin layer of fresh snow lay a fatal layer of black ice completely hidden beneath, a small patch at the side of the road shining in salutation as my eyes locked on it. 'Perfect.' I thought, smirking as the soft sound of an engine echoed through the frozen tree's, my body vibrating in excitement as my eyes drifted down the snowy road towards a small curve that disappeared behind a thick wall of tree's and brittle skeletons of sleeping bushes.

The family sat snuggled in their seats singing along to a song, no idea that their lives were about to end. With a swift motion of my hand I manifested a Semi-Truck headed toward the car, its driver completely controlled by me. There was a soft skidding sound as the car attempted to slow down at a small curve in the road, the car drifting softly before regaining control. The Semi-Truck on the other hand wasn't slowing down at all, its winter tires gripped the snow greedily as it sped towards the car similar to a train.

Snapping my fingers I made the cars engine roar as it sped towards the Semi, with no chance of slowing down. Fear appeared on the families face realizing they were about to collide with the truck that had come out of nowhere, seconds before impact. As the car attempted to stop the thin layer of snow was removed from the ground revealing the black ice that glimmered menacingly from under their tires, the car slid along without any notion of slowing down. The hood of the car crumpled like a piece of paper, forcing the mother and father forwards. As the mothers neck snapped pleasantly in half, the father continued through the wind shield, his skull exploding on the front of the Semi-Truck. The majority of the car was under the Semi-Truck, the hissing of the overheated engine filling the air.

Jumping swiftly to the ground I took long strides towards the gory mess in front of me, the snow crunching under my heavy combat boots and melting at my heated temperature. Smirking I knelt near the front wheel of the Semi, reaching under it to dip my fingers in the small pool of crimson that began to expand from under it. The color sparking excitement within my blackened soul as I rubbed it between my thumb and index finger, the warmth slowly dissipating as the cold air bit at it. Beside the crumpled Mother and Father lay two orbs, both with purple smoke similar to fumes escaping their metallic surfaces. Moving closer I took one into my hand, the orbs heat minimal compared to my own. The flames flicked around and in between my fingers like a snakes tongue, my stomach rumbling with such furry I cringed at how my innards contracted then lashed out against my stomach.

My Grim Guardian (unedited)Where stories live. Discover now