::Chapter 28:: Hell On Earth

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A familiar smell filled my nose as I shifted in my bed, my forehead resting against a hard warm surface as something rested on my waist. I felt myself nuzzle closer to the surface out of comfort and the feeling of safety before it vanished, the cool air around me nipping at my now exposed face.

Opening one eye I groaned seeing double at first as a massive headache crashed from my temples to somewhere behind my eyes. Opening both fully I sat up, my palm pressing against my forehead as I cringed. Getting out of bed I wobbled slightly, my balance offset and my head feeling as tho it was filled with helium.

After getting dressed and taking an aspirin I made my way into the kitchen to make some breakfast. Pouring myself a bowl of cereal I sat down at the isle in the kitchen, my eyes drifting down to the scrumptious bowl full of colourful hoops that tasted of fruit coated in sugar. A soft growl from the hallway caught my attention, my thoughts immediately going to Deridovely who I missed having around twenty-four-seven.

Getting up I paced towards the hallway, my brows furrowing as I was met with an empty hallway. Peeking into all of the rooms I became confused, none holding any sign that Der had been there at all. Walking back into the hall I stoped mid step as chills raked my neck causing every hair on my body to stand on end.

Turning around slowly my gaze was met with two burning coals that sunk deep within a wolf like face, my heart beat quickening as the creature bared its fangs at me. The creature was similar to Der in his hound form but this one looked mangy, beaten and hungry. It's fur was missing in several spots along with part of its left ear. It's black eyes were ringed with red along the edges and it's face held many scars that allowed its pink flesh to peek through the fur on its face.

As it took a step forward I receded back one, its lion like nails digging deep into the wooden floor as foam dropped from its maw. Screaming I bolted for the front door, the creature prowling behind me slowly as if it knew I had nowhere to flee to. And it was right, because as I twisted and pulled frantically at the door knob it didn't budge.

Within seconds the beast was behind me, it's jaws snapping fiercely as it slowly stalked towards me. In the blink of an eye it latched onto my jean pant leg pulling me to the floor. Screaming for help I clawed at the ground trying to regain some kind of leverage to save myself from who ever or what ever this thing was.

Aggressively it yanked me towards the large window pane that stretched from the roof to the floor of my apartment, the glass making a small bump sound as the hounds back legs hit it. Kicking at the creature I struggled to break free, my actions only seeming to agitate it further as it bit down hard on my ankle and flung me at the window.

Hitting it hard I whimpered, the glass cracking on impact. Crawling backwards I attempted to put some space between us, the hounds ears peeking up at me as it froze. Clutching my ankle after separating us I squeezed my eyes shut as pain coarsed up my leg and blood slicked my hand. Whatever kind of demonic hound this was it sure had a bite, in my mind all I could picture was a mouth full of razor sharp teeth; considering the damage it had done in a single bite.

Outside the window I caught the glimpse of wings before the window exploded, my eyes shutting as I shielded myself in the fetal position on the ground. Glass rained down around me as the winged figure landed between the hound and I.


Tearing my arm away from my eyes I frantically turned my gaze to the figure, my heart stopping as I spotted white wings that sprouted from the figures back.

"Jared..." The name tasted like poison as he smirked at me, the hound behind him swirling in a black cloud before morphing into a human-like being. Reaching down Jared firmly grasped my arm before yanking me to my feet aggressively, his skin an unsettling grey colour.

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