::Chapter 24:: Halloween Party

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An angled brush dabbed over my eyelid as Tiffany brushed a dark brown near my eyelashes. My hands were balled into fists as I attempted not to move, having already having the brush and other makeup instruments poked into my eyes three times prior. She told me she was doing a natural yet "sexy" smokey eye with browns, blacks and a shimmering cream coloured pallet.

"Do you know where he's taking you?" She commented before leaning away to examine her handiwork, tilting my head from side to side. Shaking my head I turned my gaze to about twenty different colours and shades of lipstick that Kaye's on the bed, most were Tiffany's that were still in their plastic casings. "What a romantic." She teased with puppy dog eyes, yet still had a sense of truth behind her sarcastic tone.

If only she knew...

"Sure." I sighed, bitting my lower lip as I picked up a dark crimson lipstick deciding that would go best with the makeup and dress. Tiffany finished up my makeup with a bright smile, David pulling her away from me to cuddle on the couch as I applied the lipstick. I was surprised at how different I looked with makeup, my brows raising as I examined myself in the hand mirror. I was surprised even more so at the fact that David had commented on how "Hot" I looked, Tiffany pinching him playfully getting slightly jealous. I'm sure Grim wouldn't have appreciated that comment had he heard it, David grimacing softly as that thought hit him.

Smiling at myself at how cute they looked I grabbed the dress and headed into my room, stripping and pulling the dress on. The dress fit me like a second skin, all my curves being defined under the soft, smooth fabric, my chest showing a bit more then I was comfortable with but that was due to Grim's perverted side.

My eyes briefly glanced at my digital clock, my nerves chilling my body as I realized it was already ten bast eight. Quickly checking myself out in the mirror I adjusted the dress and the wrist piece before pulling black heels on and tripping my way into the living room. Settled on the couch sat a cuddling Tiffany and David and Grim. Heat waves hit my body as I became nervous, a handsome looking Grim sitting across from the two with a bored expression. A slimming and professional black suit hugged him, his toned body slightly showing through due to his current position.

His face was painted pale with makeup, a dark but handsome skeleton design marking his face, the sockets dark around his eyes but making his specked eye more prominent. The detail of the paint job made me wonder if he had done it himself or if someone had helped him, his hair spiked up in a fohawk. As his eyes locked with mine my breath hitched in my throat, my face instantly flushing red. A sly smirk appearing on his lips as his eyes ran up and down my body, his makeup making his expression look more sinister.

"Hey..." Grim's husky voice filled the air as he got to his feet, smoothing the wrinkles in his suit. Shyly smiling I walked over to him, Tiffany giving me a 'he's so hot!' Face and flashing me a thumbs up.

"Hey, I hope I didn't keep you waiting to long." Trying to ignore the butterflies that filled my stomach I smoothed the wrinkles on my hips that had been cause from the dress ridding up my legs as I walked.

Why am I so flustered, and why is he so hot?

"Not at all, are you ready to get going?" He slipped his hands into his dress pants pockets, my eyes following them before shooting up to his to see him smirking seductively. Nodding I said goodbye to Tiffany and David, thrilling them not to get to noisy because of the neighbours. Shuffling to the door with Grim I grabbed a small black purse, glancing back at them receiving enthusiastic thumbs ups.

Grim and I entered the elevator, his slim finger hitting the first floor button. I caught myself checking him out subconsciously, his focus on the virtual numbers decreasing in front of us.

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