::Chapter 29:: Between Devils

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As the two of them faced off I felt the urge to run, my heart beating out of my chest at the though of these two colliding. If just their powers being at odds caused all this, what would a physical fight cause? I didn't want to stick around to find out.

Jareds face seemed to crack more as his eyes focused on Grim, the green pigment of his irises slowly being swallowed up by black as his veins became more prominent under his skin. The two of them took in each others presence as the wind stilled for a moment, the aura around the two of them becoming thick.

"I didn't think you'd come..." Jared muttered, his head tilting as the colour drained from his swaying hair, the strands becoming white.

"Clearly." Grim replied aggressively, his stance becoming stronger as he took a step back towards me. With his fists clenched he kept his focus forwards on Jared as the cloud above us swirled uneasily as if it was uncertain if it should continue to manifest whatever it had been produced to.

"Your men are dying, I can hear them... feel their energy as my Demons are devouring their corpses." Jared mumbled subconsciously as he stared at nothing in particular, his stance slouching slightly as if he was having an out of body experience. Grim stood stiffly, his Raven hair breaking free of the gel that usually held it in place.

"They'll be feasting on their own brethren soon enough when I rip your being apart." Jared shifted, black lines sprouting from his eyes and running down his cheeks like lightning bolts. Smiling sickly he lunged forwards, his teeth and nails extending as he lashed out at Grim.

Holding his ground Grim parried the attacks, his shoulders stiffening as he held his arms in a fighting stance allowing his forearms to take the blows. Swiftly he brought his leg up and connected it with Jareds side, the momentum knocking him off his feet and onto the ground.

Landing on his back Jared lets his head hang backwards as he held himself up with his arms, a psychotic laugh leaving his lips before his head snapped up and his eyes darted to Grim. "Nice move, but you left yourself open." In the blink of an eye Jareds hound from before appeared, the creature lunged heavily at Grim before sinking his teeth deep into his shoulder.

Grimacing he fought with the large hound before he was flung to the ground, Jared pinning him as the hound let go. "Grim!" I cried out before my view was filled with the hounds face, the beast lunging at me as it bit into my leg causing me to scream in agony.

Instantly Grim's head snapped to the side where he could look at me, his eyes wide as he kicked at Jared to get him off. Disappearing into a mist Grim appeared above the hound, his arms coiling around its rips as he pulled it into a bear hug. Upon impact a snapping sound was audible, the hound crying out in pain as its bones began to snap like toothpicks.

Letting go of my leg the hound attempted to snap at Grim, it's head tilted at an odd angle before it was thrown across the roof. As it hit the cement more of its bones broke, the cement cracking from the impact.

In his hand Jared held a small silver blade, Grim tensing slightly at the sight of it as I turned to look at the furthest edge of the roof from the two of them. Hearing the two of them clash behind me I quickly scrambled away heading towards that spot hopping it would keep me out of harms way.

Horrific screaming forced me to turn around as I spotted Grim holding Jared by the throat, trying to get at his wings. Jared jabbed his knife into Grim's shoulder, smoke rising from the area as he screamed in pain. Snapping Jared's wrist he threw his hand away, ripping the dagger out and throwing it to the ground that lay hundreds of floors below.

A holly blade?

That was the only thing I could think of that would burn Grim like that. A slight pain became apparent in my shoulder where Grim had been stabbed, his pain reflecting on me through the bond. My back pressed against the door as Jared disappeared from Grim, manifesting in front of me. His cold hands wrapped around my throat as he glared at me, his wings bloodied along with his arms and clothing. Pinning me against the door he growled, his fingers slipping from the blood covering them.

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