::Chapter 11:: Jealousy Killed His Heart

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My feet dragged on the wooden floor as I slid towards my room in my socks, the warm phone pushed against my ear as I listened to Tiffany's mumbles about a boy she thought I would be interested in at her work. Watching the floor I slid through the doorway of my bedroom, my breath hitching as I looked up. Choking on my own saliva I winced, Tiffany worryingly asking if I was alright. On my bed sat Grim, his hooded face stuck deep within one of my fantasy books.

"Yeah, Can I call you back?" My voice sounded raspy after the sudden attack, Grim not looking up from the book.

"Surrrre... You sure you're okay?" Tiffany asked as if she didn't believe me.

"Yeah, I just have to go take care of something." She was silent for a few moments before muttering an "Okay...bye" and hanging up. Clicking the phone off I rested it on its charging stand, my eyes locking on Grim. His over-sized hood shrouded his face as he read, paying no attention to me. He had been in my apartment for a few days now, refusing to leave me alone as Deridovely was busy with training and he didn't trust anyone else with the job of keeping me safe.

I cleared my throat offering an "ahem" to get his attention, my hands resting on my hips as I watched him. Slowly his head rose enough for him to glance at me.

"What? I'm reading can't you see that? Why don't you go take care of that thing you were just talking about?" Waving me off with his pale hand he returned his focus to the book, his tone annoyed at my sudden disturbance.

"Excuse me this is my room..." I paused walking over to the bed were he sat and snatched the book from his hands, "and my book. You are the thing I had to take care of by the way." Pershing my lips I examined my book, realizing he had been reading the pages I had highlighted. My favorite part.

"Someone's grumpy today..." Grim chuckled getting to his feet, his heated gaze looming over me. "I'm so glad you care Sugar Plum." His cold finger grazed my cheek as he spoke, chills running through my body. Tossing the book on the shelf I gridded my teeth, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Im not a child I can handle myself, you don't have to babysit me all week. Don't you have a person to kill or something, or do you just enjoy annoying me?" Turning my back to him my face heated up, his nick name for me making my skin crawl. He silently moved closer, the only indication was the shifting wood under his weight. His large hand held my waist while the other ran over my lower lip. I hated when he did that, the smooth but cold feeling of his heated skin against mine giving me goosebumps.

"Oh come on, don't be like that. I made room for you in my busy schedule, I don't do that for just anyone." He 'bopped' my nose as he spoke, letting out a hushed cynical laugh. Shuttering I pulled away from him, turning to face him but was disappointed to see he had disappeared.

Huffing I paced towards my dresser, only to have him appear in front of me out of a black mist. He pulled me closer as he brought his lips to mine, my body going ridged at the sudden act. The kiss was bitter sweet as his cool lip ring rubbed against my lip making the kiss more awkward as I had never kissed anyone with a lip ring, my hands pressing against his chest as I shoved him away.

Letting out an angry "Uhhhh" I glared daggers at him, crossing my arms over my chest. "Really? What was the point to that?" I shot at him, anger boiling my blood as he mimicked me.

"I wanted to see your reaction."

His voice vibrated in my head as he spoke mentally to me, his face sassy as he bit at his lip ring after running his tongue over his lip like he had eaten something sweet.  Short black fluffy hair that was styled in the front flattered his grey-blue eyes as his lips curled into a thin smirk. His handsome face secretly made my heart melt, the small birthmark on the right side of his chin adding to his good looks, along with his silver lip ring that I sinfully adored. "You're so childish! Who would have thought that the Grim Reaper would be such an immature little br-"

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