::Chapter 14:: Dark Side of Grim

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Daren appeared behind me as I exited through the dark mist that had lead us to 'Grim's house'. Looking around me I realized we were in a living room, barely any light within it even though it's was the middle of the day. It was silent, the aura of the house calming yet off set like a horror movie home. I jumped as a sudden large crash came from another room, the impact of whatever had been thrown hitting the wall to my right.

"I don't think it would be wise to go in there." Daren muttered from behind me, my hands held to my chest still in shock from the noise. Glancing back at him I saw slight concern in his eyes, yet he turned away from me and headed into the kitchen area out of my view. Quietly I walked towards a closed door leading into a room behind the right wall, hoping it lead to Grim.

Cautiously turning the door knob I opened the door, only enough so that I could peek inside. Broken glass, wood, metal and wall littered the floor, the aroma of alcohol stinging my nose. Grim was nowhere in sight but I could tell he was just here due to the lamp that was half wedged into the wall I had heard the bang from.

In the kitchen I heard a soft gasp before foreign yelling began, the voice deep and slurring every now and then. Quickly I ran to the kitchen to find Daren being held by the throat by a very deranged looking Grim. Daren replied frantically to Grim in the same language, his eyes sliding over to me before raising his hands in surrender and looking back at Grim.

Grim's head tilted down slightly as he glanced at me from the corner of his eye, his eyes a dark grey that made it clear he was not in the mood for company. "Grim, what's going on?" Letting go of Daren he straightened his hunched posture, Daren swallowing hard before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

"Why are you here?" He growled avoiding my question, his front facing me as his eyes raked down my body. We were silent for a few moments as I stared at him unsure of what to say, his hand raising as he roughly ran it through his unusually messy hair. I could tell he was in bad shape, from the way he leaned to one side as if off balance, his messy hair, dark circles around his eyes and the coldness in his eyes that matched the large slashes that ran over his right eye. His hair was always on point like a model, seeing it messy have me an uneasy feeling in my gut. There was also the fact that he smelled like he had bathed in alcohol, his eyes dilated heavily.

"I was worried about you, now I see why." I motioned to his body before narrowing my eyes slightly as he scoffed rudely.

"I could tell you were so worried when you were sucking that punks face." His tone was bitter and venomous as his eyes narrowed into dangerous slits. "So glad you care, Darling." He put heavy emphasis on the last word, his long legs stretching as he stalked forwards, his figure widening slightly.

"Excuse me? Last time I checked there were no rules against who I could be in a relationship with or kiss." He stopped inches from me, his face lowering to mine as his body pressed against mine. His chest heaved like an exhausted Cheetah, his eyes trained on mine as his pupils fluctuated wildly. "You smell like a bar." I stated coldly, cringing as his alcohol infused breath invaded my nose.

"And you smell like a sin."

"What is tha-" His lips captured mine before I could finish, his hands caging me between him and a wall. His stubbly jaw tickled my chin as he kissed me softly at first, it slowly becoming rougher as I gave in. Once again I felt the attraction between us, the need for me to be closer to him, though I did know how that was possible since we were already pressed against each other. I felt no desire to push him away or slap him at this moment, my hands instead grabbing at and running through his raven hair. I felt weightless as I was pushed harder against the wall by his stone frame, my eyes opening as I pulled away gasping for air.

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