::Chapter 18:: Pool Day

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The water lapped calmly against the pool deck, soft waves from a generated wave pool cascaded elegantly on the waters surface. Various screams of both fun and terror echoed in the massive water park as people flew down long snake like slides. Tiffany stood in front of me eyeing the hundreds of people that waded in the pool or walked casually around carrying food or just venturing around the park. I smiled to her as her eyes widened softly before she gave me an anxious look, our feet drenched as we made our way through the mine field of puddles.

She had called me asking if I was alright after my freak out at her house where I had attempted to tell her about Grim and he had intervened. I had felt bad for just racing out but I couldn't tell her the truth and risk her paying the price that was on my head. She had suggested that we go swimming as their was a lot of people in one place and it would be easy for us to blend in if my 'Stalker' (as she called him) came to find me. It had been a nice gesture but I still worried that Grim would find me and would do something to her, he had a way of knowing when he wasn't welcome and inviting himself just so I wouldn't forget about him. As if I ever would.

Placing our bags at a small round table we headed towards a long line up of people who anxiously awaited their turn for food. I had my eye set on one of their famous giant pretzels that always satisfied my hunger. "So how have you been? I haven't heard from you in a while." She started, holding her wallet tightly as she smiled at me.

"Uh, there's been a lot going on. Sorry I haven't call you in a while other then last night to vent, but I promise that is going to change." Glancing around I realized one of the slides was dripping from above us, a small puddle on the ground to my right.

"Yeah I got that much." She laughed, the line moving along as people greedily took their food and walked away with it. "How is it going with that Jared guy?" Wiggling her eyebrow I laughed holding back an embarrassed smile.

"It's been going alright, we are taking a break for a while though."

"We? Oh I see."

"No not like that, its complicated." Face palming I realized she was thinking we were a couple. Were we? I had no idea what to think between Grim and Jared from all that had happened.

"Complicated? Did I tell you what Owen has been doing lately?" Her tone became serious and slightly agitated as she spoke, cold water hitting my foot making me shiver.

"No but I'm gunna guess your about to."

"I caught him sneaking out late at night, every time I catch him and question him he just says he's going to get something from Seven Eleven. Like who does that? I know he's lying because he gets this little look in his eye every time."

"That's odd, maybe he's just really hungry at night? You know, has a major case of the midnight munchies?" I smiled trying to make a small joke about it and lighten the mood.

"Yeah maybe the munchies for another girl. He's also been meeting and calling these strange people who never talk when I answer the phone, they just sit there and listen until I hang up."

"Okay that creepy. Maybe you should come over to my house for a bit just to make sure your safe. You should try to talk to Owen and ask him what that's all about, maybe he's in a cult or something." I spoke in a lower tone of voice avoiding the awkward confrontation from the people around us.

"I tried but he won't tell me, I think we're going to be done soon, I can't deal with all of that." Giving a small nod I glanced over the menu items trying to decide if I wanted anything else since we were next in line.

"Maybe you should come over, tell him you need some space and your gunna stay over for a few nights." Hugging myself I felt a chill go down my spine. 'Maybe it will keep Grim and Jared away for a while.' I thought but kept it to myself. Tiffany nodded, her bun swaying softly.

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