::Chapter 26:: Halloween Party (3)

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Out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of a purple eyed man, my chest clenching as I quickly ducked out of his line of sight. Pacing over to the tables I examined the bowlfuls of food and various coloured liquids before I felt a hand grasp mine, my heart beat quickening as I spun around ready to meet the face of a gingery Vampire.

Instead I met Jareds soft green gaze, his lips pulling into a smile. He wore a striking white suit and a small pair of white feathered Angel wings, his hair styled in a wild and free but near fashion. Oh the irony. "Funny seeing you here." He raised an eyebrow before reaching around me to grab a cup of punch.

"Yeah..." I chuckled eyeing him for a few moments before smiling at him. "What are you doing here?" Closing his eyes he smiled as he took a sip from his cup before answering.

"Same thing as you Dear, I'm here for the party." He gave a charming toothy smile before glancing around. "I find it hard to believe that you came alone though, Grim took you didn't he?"

I felt a knot in my stomach at his question, the hatred between them making me nervous about what would happen if they got a clear shot at each other. "Yeah, he did." I stated slowly, watching his face for any shift of emotion yet there was none.

"What a gentleman." Jared let out through clenched teeth, half his mouth raising as he gave an annoyed smile. "Well, I'm guessing he won't leave you alone for long so I will go before he comes back." Pulling me into a hug I felt a small pinch at my side. He kissed my cheek before disappearing into the crowd of people leaving me standing alone.

When Grim returned he quickly pulled me through the crowds of people towards the dance floor, his frame outlined by the various coloured lights that flashed and fluctuated above. Stumbling over myself I struggled to keep up, his hand yanking my wrist towards him before my chest hit his. Looking up to him I glared softly, his eyes wandering the crowd before flicking down to me meeting my gaze.

"Don't look at me like that, nothing happened up there." Rolling my eyes I looked away from him as he started to sway the both of us back and forth to the music, his finger hooking my jawline as he forced me to look at him once more. "Darling... I would never do anything like that with anyone but you."

Puckering his lips he gave me a puppy dog eyed look before smirking in his usual devilish way. "Uh hu." I replied watching as the blue in his speckled eyes took over, the grey fading under the crystal blue. I didn't know why but the thought of him being with someone else in such an intimate way made my stomach curdle, his hand sliding across the small of my back bringing me back to reality as I realized he had pulled me against him and I had rested my head on his chest.

"She had information about Jackass and my father, she heard from some of her friends that they had been seen talking to each other, well at least his Hellhounds and Demons." His voice was soft and smooth like velvet as the vibrations in his chest relaxed me, my eyes slowly closing as I felt a calming sensation taking over me. "But enough of that, this night is just for the two of us, none of that nonsense with all the other hell that I have to deal with."

Opening my eyes I smiled as he twirled me, my heart fluttering at his half lidded eyes that held my gaze as he pulled me back against him before we began dancing to a more upbeat song. I had never liked dancing, but for him I could make an exception.

We stayed pressed against each other for the majority of the night, taking small brakes as Grim introduced me to more of his "helpers" as he called them. A slow song began, the rhythm causing chills to cascade my body as the entire mood of the dance floor changed abruptly.

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