::Chapter 21:: Unwelcome Company

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David ^^^

"You little sour... unsweetened!..." Grim was so frustrated he couldn't even fathom words, Elis looking over to him wide eyed as everything the room seemed to come to a stop, all eyes falling on Grim who was red faced and fuming.

"Woah, hey now Grim, you need to calm yourself down." Elis started softly, his hands up in surrender.

"What the hell do you thing you were doing, I don't probe you for information-"

"Well actually-"

"Shut up!" Grim was now leaned over and in my face, his eyes darkening into a liquid black that had crawled along his pupils until they were completely covered.

"What's going on?" Tiffany asked with a worried expression, obviously still in a daze from whatever David had done to her.

"None of your business!" Grim hissed grabbing me roughly by the arm and pulling me up with him. Der was sent falling onto the floor with a thud, his teeth snapping as he got up glaring daggers at Grim who stepped over him and pulled me along towards the hallway. Elis got up to follow us but Grim forced me in front of him and spoke in a quite tone, one which I couldn't catch what he had said.

"I'm sorry." Elis said quietly, bowing his head slightly before Grim put a finger under his chin making him regret it quickly.

"Don't even bother!" Pushing me forwards Grim forced me to move, leading me into me bedroom before slamming the door shut, his back turned towards me as he rested his head on it, his fist resting on it just above his head. "How did you gain access to my memories?" His voice was a gravely monotone like he was trying to conceal himself, his anger.

"I-I don't know! Why don't you tell me!? Shouldn't you know it's your head!" Failing my arms I paced the room looking for anything that I could use to protect myself if he tried to attack me, or whatever was in him that had snapped that one day.

"How am I suppose to know? It's never happened before, I never let anyone into my head..." Slightly turning his head I saw his eyes were still dark, any light or colour completely vacating them. "You and your damned mood swings."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"The crystal, you got sad and so did I. It brought back... memories..." Turning fully around I realized his features had become more angular, his hair a mess on top of his head, spiked at impossible angles being held by the gel.

"You remember your birth?" Stopping in the middle of the room I watched him, waiting for him to sass me or insult me, but instead his eyes dropped.

"Yeah, that tends to happen when it's burned into you for your entire life..." I stayed silent waiting for him to continue, his black eyes meeting mine as he glanced up. "My mother... she was my first victim, unfortunately not my last. I didn't know my strength back then, no one did." Taking a few steps towards me he maintained eye contacts before sitting slowly on the edge of my bed, his head in his hands.

"What do you mean? You were just a child you couldn't have possibly..."

"I am I hybrid of two very powerful beings... I am the first and last of my kind. Sure I can make normal Demons or being like me, but non are as toxic of a combination as I am." His hands raked through his hair painfully before his head snapped up so his eyes could meet mine. "Even among the gods there are mutations, Abominations."

"But the've been around for how long and this has never happened before?" Shaking his head he gave a small sympathetic chuckle before his eyes wandered to a mirror on my dresser, hair line cracks appearing over it like lightening.

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