::Chapter 17:: Tooth and Nail

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Deridovely narrowed his eyes at the door, a hatred burning in his chest that could have easily burnt down the building had it not been contained within him. Walking through a portal he appeared in his masters chamber, dark magic thickening the air as the room was stitched back together, Grim sitting on his bed with his eyes closed. As soon as the room was back to normal his eyes shot open narrowing at his only pure bred he'll hound alive who took the form of a small boy who resembled Grim's younger self. He saw the look in the hounds eyes and instantly became agitated, his hands balling into fists.

"Why aren't you with her? What happened now?" He growled lowly watching as the boy knelt at his feet respectfully, his hair falling over his eyes.

"He has her. I was unable to tell her about the danger due to our deal so she left with him. I was unsure of what to do as I came here, please forgive me master." The thick voice vibrated in Grim's head as he narrowed his eyes letting out an animalistic growl that rumbled deep in his throat.

"You were suppose to put up wards to keep him away! What the hell was so important that you dismissed my commands?!" Grim's form changed slightly as his shoulders broadened, his eyes darkening and his entire being got slightly larger. "Do you not realize what you've done, he's probably got her wrapped around his finger as we speak!"

Deridovely lowered his head move remembering sitting with Tori for hours as she cried on the phone, his head resting on her lap as he tried to make her feel better and calm down. "I will make this right, I will go and stake him to the wall in his room, he won't be able to move with nails driven through his limbs."

"That won't do anything but make this worse, she is very vulnerable right now she will pin it against me and be on his side giving herself to him freely." Running a clammy hand through his hair Grim attempted to read Tori's mind, a sharp pain taking his brain as a ward blocked his mind from hers. "Damnit!" He yelled getting off the bed pacing around the room. Picking up a small black dagger he pressed the tip to his palm, black liquid forming under the skin before the blade pierced the skin releasing it.

Morphing in front of him was a black figure that mimicked his own, the liquid eventually matching his skin tone creating a mirrored image of him. "You will stay here and watch his body while I control this one. If you fail... let's just say you don't want to." Grim growled to Deridovely as he lauded down on the bed closing his eyes. His power flowed to the mimic that was now hosting part of his soul.

"As you wish master, I will not let you down."

Wrapping my legs around Jareds waist I smile looking into his eyes as he rested his hands firmly on my waist and back, his wings flapping to keep us vertical  in the air. "So if you're an Angel... are you allowed to... you know." Jared chuckled his face lightening up as I blushed realizing I shouldn't have asked.

"Yes. Just not like you Humans." Raising an eyebrow I silently questioned him, a soft blush rising on his cheeks. "It's complicated but yes." I laughed the butterflies in my stomach disappearing as I rested my head on his chest listening to his wing and heart beats, soft wind running over me.

"So about the other night..." I started, his head tilting down to mine before his lips captured mine briefly before he tilted his head with an amused look.

"Yes it was real, I'm fine and it was worth the beating." Pulling his wings closer towards him he dropped, my grasp tightening on him before he swooped down gently landing us in the middle of a large field. Most of the grass and flowers had begun to die due to the colder temperatures, his wings folding neatly on his back. Releasing my legs from his waist I smiled shyly, his index finger hooked under my chin as our noses touched. His green eyes looked into mine with a loving glint behind them, my hands still clasped behind his neck. "You have beautiful thoughts but Im not sure if that would be appropriate." He chuckled his hand slowly sliding down to my lower back.

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