::Chapter 20:: A distant Memory

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Owen ^^^^^

Three strong knocks vibrated the door, Elis jumping to grab it as Tiffany and I watched TV, Der pacing around in the couch before settling down on my lap. Resting my hand on his back I looked into his bright yellow eyes watching as they glinted before I turned around hearing Grim walk in. "Fucking beanies..." I heard him curse under his breath grumbling to himself. His black attire made him look sleeker and more deadly today, his choice of a leather jacket with a studded collar making him look dangerous. "Hey pumpkin!" He chimed pacing over to me from behind the couch, jumping over it and sitting heavily beside me.

"Who's that?" I muttered ignoring him, my eyes on the new guy who scratched at his neck nervously. His torques eyes glancing around sheepishly from under his dark eyelashes before landing on Tiffany, his entire body freezing. My blood went cold from the way he looked at her, my eyes narrowing at him as he walked slowly towards her.

"Your friends new best pal." Grim chuckled lowly beside me, my eyes flicking to him as I clenched my hand. "He's uhhh, going to be watching over her for a while. Kinda like me watching over you, only more... exciting." He was pushing my buttons and me knew it, a sick feeling of satisfaction invading my stomach as he grinned.

"Like hell."

"I mean it could be like hell, but that's a little too spicy..." pursing his lips he narrowed his eyes like he was thinking hard about what he had said, a sigh escaping my lips.

"Excuse me, uhhh hi. I'm David and you must be Tiffany." He smiled, his hand held out to her, Grim's voice chuckling in my head.

"Yeah, hi." Taking his hand hesitantly her eyes met his before she looked towards me, her eyes widening slightly as she saw my expression.

"Oh uh, Gr-Darren told me about you. He said you might need a friend in these hard times." I felt my face heat up as Grim poked at my side, obviously jealous that I was more concerned with this 'David' character rather than him.

"Did you feel it?" He whispered in my ear, my head whipping away from him as I glared.

"You mean the stabbing pain? Yeah I did!" I exclaimed in a whispered voice, his toothy grin greeting my eyes, the edges sharp instead of rounded like usual. "Oh I'm so glad that makes you happy!" Looking back to Tiffany and David I narrowed my eyes once again seeing a look in Tiffany's eyes that I hadn't in a while. Love. How could she have instantly fell in love with someone she barely knew for a minute? Manipulation, it had to be.

"Intriguing, isn't it?" Grim cooed in my head, his long arm resting behind me on the couch as he stared unamused at the TV. "But don't worry I'll keep him on a tight leash, I'm doing this for her own good." Shooting him a doubtful look he titled his head to the side lazily, smiling softly before returning his gaze to the TV. "Trust me. That Owen guy? Yeah he isn't who you think he is."

"What are you trying to say?" I questioned quietly, my focus on him as his eyes slid over to me without moving his head. His face was completely still of any emotion, Der picking up on our private conversation as he lifted his head looking up to me and Grim.

"He's a Demon." He stared flatly, his eyes half open as if he was bored of the conversation. "And before you ask, no he's not one of mine, otherwise I would have stopped this long ago. The only reason I didn't know was because he's been using your friend over there to hide himself by using her as a mirror, in a sense."

"A mirror?"

"Yes you know the thing you stare into in the mornings?" He replied sassily, his eyebrows furrowing slightly. "He uses her to reflect her humanity, therefore hiding his true nature. It allows him to portray himself as a human." I have a slow nod taking it all in, Elis plopping down on the other side of me, his arm slinging across the back of the couch onto Grim's. Both of them stopped, their eyes meeting before Grim slapped Elis's arm away while glaring at him.

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