Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


I rolled my eyes as we continued further into the woods. I glanced back every so often though, trying to see how far we had advanced. I couldn't see the entrance we had come in any longer. It seemed like I had been gone from home for days now. When in reality, I had barely been gone a matter of hours.

"Okay, if we're going to be on this so called "adventure" together, I should at least know your name." I whispered as he lead me along the clearing. He laughed quietly as he took my hand once more, helping me to the lower level of the woods. Everywhere you could see green trees and grass. There were bushes lining the woods as he lead me through the rocky path. Boulders had been set to line a path from one end to another, which was the path we were taking now. I didn't know how long we had been walking for already, but I was beginning to grow tired of the silence.

"Hey. I was talking to you." I hissed as he turned and threw his hands to my waist, lifting me up on a small ledge about four feet above me. He easily lifted me up to stand next to him.

"I heard you." He replied sarcastically as he pulled me closer. I couldn't help but stare right into his eyes. They were a familiar brown color. I still felt as though we had met before. He was reluctant to give away his name, though. Which, was the sticking point for us both.

"Well?" I asked, as he stared back at me. I felt nervous around him. The good kind of nervous. Like the nervous I got around Ethan or Owen so long ago.

"My name, is irrelevant." He answered surely before dropping his hands to his sides and walking forward. I sighed in annoyance before trailing after him. My speed would really come in handy right about now. It seemed almost silly for a bionic human to be trudging along in the middle of nowhere.

"So what do I call you?" I asked as I caught up to him, "You already know my name."

"You can call me whatever you want." He answered, looking up from the ground to me as we stopped once more. I felt my smile go flat as I looked him up and down. He stood with a smirk on his face as he let his hands fly out to his sides in confidence.

"Like what you see?" He teased as I stood in thought. I rolled my eyes as pushed past him.

"You just look like someone I know. And if I'm going to name you-"

"Name me?" He interrupted. I nodded, not phased by his accusation.

"Yes, name you. You refuse to tell me your name, and you specifically instructed me to call you something. So, I was simply trying to come up with a name that matched you." I replied as I took another careful step forward, trying not to trip and fall on my face. He laughed as my shoe lace caught in the cracks of the path.

"Here." He whispered against my neck as he leaned down and plucked my shoe lace out from the rocks. I felt a light blush take over my cheeks in embarrassment. He smiled and took my hand as I attempted to walk on.

"So, what exactly do you plan to, call me?" He asked, a kidding tone to his voice. I shrugged and looked at him once more. His entire existence suggested he had lived away from home far too long. He was only my age, from what I could tell. He even looked as though he didn't have a said home. He went where ever he was needed. Where ever he wanted.

"What's the first letter of your name?" I tried as I drew a blank. He smiled and shook his head.

"C. My name starts with a C." He stated simply. The second he said that, my heart dropped. C. Chase was the only name screaming inside my head. What did Adam always call Chase when he was mad at him? Or, when he simply wanted to tease him.

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